Serving Barnwell County and it's neighbors since 1852

I still wanted to keep with the theme of romance with this week’s article since we’re still in the midst of the Valentine season. However, love is not all hearts and bliss. Love is hard, and …

I picked out a capsule for the coffee flavor I wanted that morning before work, inserted it in the machine my wife had bought as a gift for me, and waited for the light to turn solid white so that I …

It’s the season of love. In two weeks’ time, lovers will be exchanging chocolates, roses will be falling from the sky, and I’ll be celebrating Single’s Awareness Day. But being the …

Q. As a single mom in my 40’s, I’m embarrassed to say I’ve done nothing about estate planning. A recent medical scare has caused me to pause and now consider planning a priority. Any words of …

Over the span of two and a half years, I have delved into R.A. Salvatore’s War of the Spider Queen, set in the Dungeons and Dragons setting of The Forgotten Realms. The story follows the journey …

When the weather gets cooler and the leaves start turning beautiful colors, you may look forward to eating warm, rich, and hearty comfort foods. Unfortunately, they can wreck your diet and cause you …

Over the years, people have ridiculed or mocked me for some of the things I’ve written. During my freshman year of college, I wrote a Young Adult story about a goth girl being beaten up in a …

Corder’s Creative Corner: An observation

I don’t go into libraries very often. I prefer to buy my books instead of borrowing them. But on occasion, I like to stroll inside an Athenaeum. Being among a great quantity of books tends to relax …

This week I wanted to give a brief overview of what I’ve been reading over the past several months. Though the following list is not a complete register of what I’ve been reading, the books on …

Last week I started teaching my students about narrative writing. This, as you can imagine, is a lot of fun for me since writing stories is what I love to do. We are mapping out plots, coming up with …

Natural Affections: Old Man Wind

November days are no doubt shorter, When Old Man Wind comes whistling, The refraining melody only he can sing. How can it be that Winter’s coming; The holidays already here? November …

When the weather gets cooler and the leaves start turning beautiful colors, you may look forward to eating warm, rich, and hearty comfort foods. Unfortunately, they can wreck your diet and cause you …

Homemaker’s Column:

Thanksgiving is a holiday dedicated to the act of indulging in a plentiful array of edible traditions. Unfortunately, it usually turns into the act of overindulging. One particular substance that is …

As Thanksgiving approaches, it’s a time to celebrate with loved loves and brush up on home fire safety. No holiday celebration would be complete without a feast but be sure to take precautions …

Better Business Bureau offers shopping tips

How to shop Black Friday sales Black Friday, traditionally the single busiest shopping day of the year, arrives a little earlier this year, with many stores already advertising Black Friday …

Corder’s Creative Corner: Moon beams

You and I sat under the moon-bright sky taking in the world. The breath of the night caressed the surface of the lake as you rested in my arms. We sat on the grass and listened to the splashes, to …

Pastor’s Pen: Christians and Politics?

Now the LORD said to Abram, “Go from your country and your kindred and your father’s house to the land that I will show you. And I will make of you a great nation, and I will bless you and make …

When I was 13 or 14 years old, I bought a CD called "Once" by a band named Nightwish that hailed from Finland. The cover had an artist rendition of the Angel of Grief statue showing a female angel …

Natural Affections: Blue Skies

October your blue skies, Your crisp morning air; Bring thoughts of masquerading And anticipating the fair. The autumn leaves change colors, As they costume the trees. October …

Boomer Briefing: End of life planning: Q&A

Q – My father died some months ago without a will. The daughter of his second wife is giving his personal items, like guns and tools, away without consulting me and my stepmother refuses to answer …

Aunt Sarah, my last surviving aunt, died five days before Queen Elizabeth. So, you might ask: Do those two people deserve to be mentioned in the same sentence? Absolutely. Elizabeth Alexandra …

The deep orange color of pumpkin flesh is a sure sign that pumpkin is a good source of Vitamin A. A one-half cup serving of cooked pumpkin contains more than 100 percent of the required vitamin A and …

Planning ahead for yourself or a loved one is a big job. Living in a nursing home is expensive and Medicare or Medicaid usually only covers a portion of the costs involved. To offset the costs, you …

Corder’s Creative Corner: The wagon

I grew up in a lonely wood. There, darkness always arrived early, as the trees blocked out much of the sun. The shadows lengthened and grasped for me like greedy fingers, and the owls and other …

One of the most common food safety questions asked is “How long can food be stored before it becomes unsafe to eat?” There are different recommendations for most foods and HGIC is a great place …

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