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Corder's Creative Corner: Gothic love poems


I still wanted to keep with the theme of romance with this week’s article since we’re still in the midst of the Valentine season.

However, love is not all hearts and bliss. Love is hard, and sometimes, it can be tragic. In fact, tragic love often makes great fodder for the best poems.

So, in keeping with the theme of Valentine’s Day, as well as the hard reality that sometimes overshadows love, I present these darker poems, but I hope you will not shy away from their truth and beauty.

One More Life to Live


Gloom has come to blanket

The cheerless angels of stone

That stand as sentries

In this wasteland of bones.


A garland of black roses

Rests on your grave.

This is where I kneel

And whisper your name.


If I but had one more life to live

I would bury this Requiem of love

To cleanse and purge

The memory of blood.

Sarah Fair

Sarah Fair, Sarah Fair

Where can you be?

Are you in the green grove

Where we kissed

At the age of fifteen?

When the blue of your eye

Entranced my heart

When my fingers

Toyed with your hair

Locks long and dark.

Sarah Fair, Sarah Fair

Where can you be?

Are you at the church

Where we wed

At the age of twenty-three?

While the spring air

Whispered promises of bliss

Where we sealed our vows

With a gentle kiss.

Sarah Fair, Sarah Fair

Where have you gone?

It’s been fifty years

Since I’ve heard your song.

You died near the church

Your fairness untouched.

Your heart was so weak

The wedding bells hushed.

Sarah Fair, Sarah Fair

Where have you gone?

Are you in Heaven

Where all angels belong?

By your grave I rest my head

And hope for sweeter dreams

Where you and I are together

Under the stars that beam.

If you’d like to learn more about David, visit his website at There you can read short stories and other articles as well as sign up for his monthly newsletter to receive writing updates, exclusive snippets of current projects, and more! Email him at