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Flag display remembers 9/11 victims


Today marks the 23rd anniversary of an infamous day in U.S. history. Communities, schools, and organizations across the country will gather today to remember the tragic events that took place over two decades ago.

For the past four years, 2,978 flags have been placed at Calhoun Park to honor those who lost their lives on September 11, 2001. 

Barnwell resident Barbara Christian organizes this memorial annually. With the help of numerous volunteers, they hand place each flag into the ground a couple days before 9/11 each year. 

“We wouldn't be able to do this without the volunteers that come out to help,” said Christian. 

This memorial, and others alike, remind the growing generation of Americans who were too young, or were born after 2001, of the national tragedy. 

The flags will be taken up on September 14. Calhoun Park is located across the street from the Barnwell County Courthouse, near the Barnwell City Hall offices. 

“We would love to have you come out and see it,” said Christian. 

For more information or to learn how to get involved next year, contact Barbara Christian at (231) 373-2305.