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Sisters on the Fly caught a good time at Barnwell State Park


It’s likely at some point in life, you’ve heard the expression, “On the fly!” Maybe you’ve even done something on the fly, such as enjoying an impulsive act that pleases you; or maybe you have hopes and dreams of doing so.

Well, if you need inspiration, Sisters on the Fly (SOTF) is an outdoor adventures tour club that may be just what you're looking for. These ladies have taken that expression to a whole new level and are living their lives to the fullest!

It all started out back in 1999 when two sisters (Maurrie Sussman and Becky Clarke) actually were fly fishing in Montana and had so much fun they wished all their girlfriends could join them. Word quickly spread and Sisters on the Fly began to rise … and rise and rise. At last count, more than 12,500 women have joined, with a daily growing, active, current membership of 8,000.

As posted on their website: "Sisters on the Fly is an all-inclusive women’s outdoor adventure group. We do not discriminate based on race, religion, nationality, color, sexual orientation, marital status, disability or age (must be over 21)."

This past weekend a group of 25 SOTF women gathered at Barnwell State Park from as far away as Virgina, Georgia and across South Carolina.

“It’s called SOTF but, I haven’t seen anybody fly fishing at any of the events I’ve been to. It’s just evolved with different things that people want to do,” said Lynda Wales, a member since 2018 from Lexington, S.C. “I tell people if there's something you want to do; create an event and even if only five people come, you all will still have a lot of fun!”

And fun was surely had all weekend long at Barnwell State Park. The ladies rented and enjoyed the privacy of the entire park and spent their days kayaking, hiking, fishing, playing card games, checkers, gathering together for special meals and more. Friday night, for example, they had “Sunday Church Dinner” wearing Sunday hats with door prize gifts and a “Sunday buffet.”

Ashley Audette, Park Ranger ll, likewise offered the group various activities including a tie-die workshop on Saturday afternoon. Audette said, “Having the camping group Sisters on the Fly this weekend has been a pleasure. This is a fun group of ladies who know how to have a good time but also how to be respectful of our park. I love seeing women come together to enjoy a common hobby, especially one that is based in nature. We hope to have them back sometime soon!”

This nature loving club travels anywhere and everywhere they desire. Wales explained, “The annual national membership fee is $70, covering accessibility to the private website where all contact information is confidential, available to members only. Members sign up on the website. Then somebody on the site creates an event they’re interested in and all are welcome. Each lady participates as much or as little as they want at events. You don't have to have a camper either. Just enjoy whatever you’re comfortable with. Some camp in tents, cabins, a trailer and some even rent rooms in the area then meet up.”

This being SOTF’s 25th year; come October, they’re celebrating with a national event in Pigeon Forge, TN, with 500 members gathering together for a jubilee. Since some of the ladies won’t be able to travel that far, Christina Hall, a fellow member since 2020, from Columbia, S.C., decided along with Wales, to create and host this event at Barnwell State Park.

“A mini jubilee,” Hall called it. “Other groups will do the same to celebrate the 25th anniversary in their areas. It’s kind of nice having the whole park this weekend. We can even go into the men’s room if we need more showers!” she said with laughter. “Seriously though, there’s safety in numbers. If someone needs help with something, somebody will come along to help you. We all have different skill sets. You just become instant friends. Sisters. That’s what we are.”

And the rules? “No husbands, no kids, be nice and have more fun than anybody else,” Hall said, laughing again. “Pets are welcome, though.”

And when these ladies get back home, Hall said with Wales nodding in agreement, “I feel completely rejuvenated and look forward to seeing my sisters again!’

Learn more about Sisters on the Fly, including how to join, by visiting