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Natural Affections: Blue Skies


October your blue skies,

Your crisp morning air;

Bring thoughts of masquerading

And anticipating the fair.

The autumn leaves change colors,

As they costume the trees.

October enchantment is there to see,

Between childhood dreams and make-believe.

From the 1993 poem A Year of Hope by Donna-Maria Conzalina

Blue Skies. Whenever I hear those words, I can’t help but think of my youngest daughter and the parakeet she named, Blue Sky. Her clear simplicity of seeing the world has always been one of my greatest inspirations.

Today’s insight reminds me of birds in the blue sky and a special moment I witnessed through the appearance of one of those graceful, winged creatures.

I’d been on my own for a couple of years at that time. Thankful for the mountains I managed to climb and a clear path that was alas before me; although still struggling to make ends meet as many a single person could testify.

I had a job that I truly loved back then, working as an activity director in an assisted living facility in the Lowcountry of South Carolina. Being used as an instrument to bring joy to the lives of those in their golden years is a blessing I highly recommend and will always treasure.

Making life even more pleasant, each day as I traveled back and forth to work I’d drive past an old church that had a large, white cross sitting along the roadside. As I passed the cross daily I’d look over and say a quiet thank you in my heart to The Lord. This became a routine we shared for nearly two years.

Then as winds of time change and curve balls fly, managerial changes began happening at the facility. I was informed one day that, by the next month, for the foreseeable future, my full-time hours were going to be cut back by a few. Not news I really wanted to hear. But the Lord hadn’t failed me yet with His Providence and I knew He never would, come what may. Yes, I was already on a tight budget and this meant I’d just have to tighten it up even a little more while I waited on Him to show me the next step.

The morning of that first scheduled day my hours were cut finally arrived. Of course, even the most faithful among us are merely human and we can’t help but wonder: how He’s going to work things out; while trusting and praying to not be trapped by strongholds of anxiety.

So, faithfully we put on our armor, go back out to fight the world’s battle. Devoted soldiers in The Righteous Army know, He’s our Commander and He does have us covered. So, I got in my car and drove forward.

This morning was indeed different however, especially when I came upon that old familiar, large white cross along the way. This time instead of driving past it as the normal flow of traffic would usually take me, a delay was up ahead. I found myself stopped directly alongside that cross.

As I sat in backup traffic, my focus turned directly towards that symbol of faith. It was a clear morning and the skies were the loveliest shade of blue. And with perfect timing that only God could orchestrate, there, sailing out from the vastness, came a lovely bird perching itself atop that white cross.

Any trace of anxiety or concern that tried to take up residence in this human soul was suddenly blown away by the Holy Spirit. And in a way that only He can speak to us, I heard these words: “Look at the birds of the air; they do not sow or reap or store away in barns, and yet your Heavenly Father feeds them. Are you not much more valuable than they?” (Mathew 6:26).

To the surprise of my manager, I arrived at work with a smile on my face and oh, what an inspiring story I was able to share around the break table that morning! And here again now with you, dear reader, I’m thankful to be able to share, as well as blessings in joy and reminders to keep your focus upwards on those blue skies; and always keep the faith!