Serving Barnwell County and it's neighbors since 1852

Appeal to community during aftermath of Hurricane Helene


To all my Barnwell County Family, 

We have all faced the largest and most destructive Hurricane to have ever come up from the Gulf Coast in recorded history and yet we are still here. 

These next days, weeks, and even months to come we will see the mantle of what all Barnwellians are made of. 

It will be up to each of us to show kindness, compassion, patience, and even some mercy to others. 

Folks, the the storm has passed and the Sun has come out, but it is our time as Christians to shine. 

Help whenever and wherever you can when possible.

It may be to lend a hand, offer a meal, or give a ride; but through it all, we can each pray for one another, our families, our friends, and our community.

Calmness, Smiles, and a kind heart will go a long way right now and that is something that is very much needed in these days we’re living in. 

May God Bless You All, And May Each Of Us Be Willing To Share The Blessings With Others.

1 Peter 3:8, ‘Finally, all of you, have unity of mind, sympathy, brotherly love, a tender heart, and a humble mind.’

Rev. Bart Kelley,

Barnwell First Baptist Church