Serving Barnwell County and it's neighbors since 1852

Who is on the Nov. ballot for Barnwell County Council?

One incumbent and four newcomers are vying for seats in Districts 1, 3, 5, and 7


Houston runs unopposed in District 1

Freddie Houston 

Freddie L. Houston Sr. is running unopposed in District 1 on the Barnwell County Council– a seat that he has held for nearly 24 years.

Houston and eight siblings were born to Frank and Rose B. Houston, sharecroppers in Williston. 

“Having been raised to share and help others it was always my desire to help other people,” said Houston.

He graduated from Martha Schofield High in Aiken County. After graduation, he got his first job at Chill Chest manufacture in Williston working as a gas welder.

In 1974, Houston married his wife, Marilyn Sapp Houston, and they had three sons. 

Houston was hired at Owens Corning Fiberglass in Aiken S.C. that was bought out by AGY LLC in 1995 and worked until 2016 as a department supervisor.

His community involvement started in 1986 when he was president of the Barnwell County Voters League, where he filed a lawsuit against Barnwell County Council to create single member districts. He was appointed to the Lower Savannah Council of Government in 1986 until present. He served as an arbitrator under Barbor Morgan at the 2nd Circuit Judicial Solicitor’s office for over 10 years. He is the Chairman of Three Rivers Technology Board and Chairman of LSCOG Transportation Board.

Houston also serves on the Deacon Ministry at the St. Peter Missionary Baptist church located Elko, S.C.

His political involvement started back in 1986, when he ran for a seat on the Williston School Board and served until 2000. He then ran for Barnwell County Council District 1 and has been serving until present.

Houston is seeking reelection in November 2024 to continue the much needed work to be done in Barnwell County to keep the community a preferred place to work and live. The much needed housing, county wide recreation, county wide water, land fill improvement, and improved local transportation for our seniors and local workers.

One of his first priorities is to seek pay raises for the employees. Second is to ensure the county  is adequately staffed with the needed personnel. Third is to continue to seek property from the Savannah River.

Walker and Hogg run as District 3 County Council candidates

Willie Walker

Tell me a bit about yourself (personal & professional background, family, volunteering,  organizations involved in, etc.) 
Well, of course I am Willie Walker, 2024 Candidate for Barnwell County Council District #3. I  was born and raised in Kline (Barnwell County, SC.) I attended the Barnwell County Public School System and graduated from Barnwell High School in 1975. Following, I gained  employment with Milliken & Company (Barnwell, SC) for four years. Later in June 1979, I  accepted employment at the Savannah River Plant as a Dupont Construction sheet metal  apprentice. Then in September 1979, I transferred my employment to SRP-Dupont Operations as  a GSO. Then in January 1980, I accepted a position as an SRP Dupont Operations Patrol Officer.  I continued this position until November 1984, at which time I accepted a position as an  Equipment Repair Mechanic and maintained this position until October 1990. I then accepted a  position an Equipment Repair Mechanic Supervisor. Following, I continued my employment occupying various levels of managerial positions, in Maintenance and Operations throughout the  remainder of my career. As a Mid-Level Maintenance Manager, I concluded my career at  Savannah River Site in retirement on December 31, 2021, after completing 42.5 years. 
Also,  from 2001 to 2004, I served 4 years as Reserve Deputy with the Barnwell County Sheriff’s  Office. Then, in November 2005, I graduated from the SC Criminal Justice Academy as a Class 1  Certified Law Enforcement Officer, and then returned to Barnwell County Sheriff’s Office as a  Class 1 Certified Law Enforcement Officer (part-time), where I then completed an additional 12  years. Also, for the past 15 plus years I’ve served as a member of the Barnwell County  Transportation Committee, where I currently sit as the Chairperson. On June 13, 2023, I was  appointed to and accepted a position as a voting member on the Lower Savannah Council of  Government-Transportation Advisory Board. I am also a member of the New Hope United  Methodist Church in Allendale County, SC. 
Why have you chosen to run for this seat? 
Being that the county council is an elected legislative body that has the power to enact, repeal  and amend all local public laws within the county and that the council is under a system of local  government which consists of different county council committees, including but not limited to, Barnwell County Public Works, infrastructure, housing development & zoning, animal, finance,  recreation, public transportation, nursing home, airport aviation, schools boards, Asis-1 and the  Barnwell County Transportation Committee (autonomous). Based on my managerial background  and my experiences having occupied various positions within Barnwell County, being elected to  this seat would give me the opportunity to help influence and steer the direction of Barnwell  County to a more modern, attractive, comfortable, entertaining, exciting and desirable place to  live. 
What does holding this position mean to you? 
Barnwell County is my home, it’s where I was born and raised. Barnwell County is a great place  to live. I religiously support Barnwell County. Holding this position means leading and  representing the citizens of Barnwell County (Towns & surrounding Communities.) It means  engaging with and encouraging participation from all the citizens and leaders within the county 
and all the surrounding communities. Additionally, it means joint decision-making, while  considering the needs of the people currently living in our County, Towns, and surrounding  Communities, as well as those who will live here in the future. 
How will you ensure the issues of the constituents you represent are prioritized on the  county level?
As with prioritizing anything, I will begin by identifying all the issues that are of concern to the  county as a whole and issues that are of concern to the citizens, which need to be addressed. Each of these issues will then be analyzed, considering its impact and its urgency to both the  citizens and the county, towns, and surrounding area. Following, these issues will be categorized  based on priority levels: Using the high, medium, and low priority levels, then assign each issue  to its appropriate category accordingly. Of course, this process of analyzing, prioritizing, and  categorizing will be a joint effort set forth by all the council members. 
How will you build a relationship or build trust with the community you serve?
My plan to build a relationship and to build trust is by utilizing the three “C’s” Communicate,  Communicate, Communicate. It is my belief that to successfully move Barnwell County forward  we must develop strong, respectful, working relationships between all our county/local  governmental officials/leaders and all the citizens of Barnwell County & surrounding  communities. These relationships must have a foundation built on trust. And to me, in this  situation, trust is being a leader of integrity “doing what you are say/being a man of your word.”  For this to happen we must have open and clear communications. Therefore, I plan to solicit the  citizens in my district (and county citizens in general) via frequent meetings (i.e. towns hall  meetings, Skype, Teams, Teleconference, etc.). Additionally, I plan to coordinate my County  Council counterparts and ensure that the citizens get an opportunity to speak with all of us during  open session and ensure that their voices are heard. If we communicate regarding our concerns  and issues up front, communicate at some point and agree to a path forward, communicate our  progress (positive or negative) and then communicate our end results, I strongly believe we will  get more accomplished, we will get to know each other, we will build trust and we will certainly  develop strong, lasting, productive relationships. 
What are three major issues you think need to be fixed or addressed across the county?
Job opportunities, (work with current and potential future employers to solicit good quality high paying jobs).
Education & Training, (work with schools, school boards, career/vocational/technical centers and  colleges in the surroundings to ensure our young adults get the best opportunities available  regarding continuing education) .
Housing, (start working with housing & zoning boards, developers and construction contractor to  ensure Barnwell County can provide adequate and modern subdivision housing, shopping,  entertainment and restaurants to accommodate an attract current and potential citizen growth).
What is your first priority if elected? 
If elected, my priority is to give thanks to the citizens of Barnwell County who entrusted their vote for me. Secondly, I plan to meet with all my Barnwell County Council counterparts  individually & collectively and discuss current issues and concerns, priorities, and path forward  then progress status. Thirdly, coordinate an information meeting with the citizens and share  whatever information (as appropriate) and then have some open discussions. Following, it’s time  to get to work conducting the business for the citizens of Barnwell County and figure out how to  make some good things happen in our county and surrounding communities. 
What are some short term and long term goals if elected? 
If elected, my goal is to work with the council to provide revenue to maintain, grow and improve local infrastructure and community services, growth, economic development, public safety,  revenue and finance stability, parks and recreation, public works, customer service, enhance  communication and participation and environment betterment. Additionally, my goal is to get  involved and help drive our county’s economic planning efforts, to build on our official  community planning and role of shaping our community growth, also, look at the development  and determination of land use. Some of my short-term goals are to work with the citizens,  communities, law enforcement agencies, SCDOT and find a viable solution to controlling litter  along our streets and roads in Barnwell County. I also have a goal of good governance, get the  citizens involved. Encourage and solicit citizen participation. In general, people are innovated,  creative and most importantly that have a vision. I believe as a governing body we should take  advantage of the power of people and let them help the decide path in which Barnwell County is  to travel.

Andy Hogg 

Tell me a bit about yourself (personal & professional background, family, volunteering, organizations involved in, etc.) 
I am a lifelong resident of Barnwell County.  I grew up in Kline, SC.  I graduated from Barnwell High School.  I received my Associates Degree in Criminal Justice from Orangeburg-Calhoun Technical College and my Bachelor’s Degree in Organizational Management from Voorhees College.  I have retired, but worked for 40 years at Savannah River Site for Centerra, the nuclear security contractor.  I worked for the Training Department.  
I also, trained and received my certification from the American Red Cross to train instructors to teach Professional Rescue, First Aid, CPR and Emergency Medical Responder.  
I volunteered as an EMT-Basic and an EMT-Intermediate on the Barnwell Rescue squad.  I have volunteered for both Barnwell City and Long Branch Fire Departments for over 35 years.  I retired as Fire Chief of Long Branch Fire Department last year.  
I serve on the Lowcountry Support Team providing behavioral health support to all facets of First Responders.  I have been volunteering in this capacity for over 13 years.  Along with my wife, we established the Community Risk Reduction initiative at Long Branch Fire Department to deliver Fire Safe education to children and adults to lower the risk of fire related deaths as sponsored by Fire Safe SC
I married my high school sweetheart, Teresa Baxley, and we have been married for 40 years this August.   We have two beautiful daughters who are both certified firefighters and both work in law enforcement.     
Why have you chosen to run for this seat?
I have been serving Barnwell County in the volunteer capacity all my adult life.  Now that I have retired, I would like to serve in a different capacity and help shape Barnwell County to meet the needs of all the constituents. 
What does holding this position mean to you?
It means I take on the voice of the people I serve.  I must listen with an open mind and make thoughtful, well-informed decisions to the best of my ability.   
How will you ensure the issues of the constituents you represent are prioritized on the county level? 
The best way to learn your community’s concerns is to talk to people, become invested in their issues, and get to know them on a personal level.  Then, a clear picture can be formed regarding the most pressing matters that need to be addressed first and so on.
How will you build a relationship or build trust with the community you serve? 
Establishing effective communication channels is crucial in developing any relationship, especially with your constituents.  One must maintain open lines of communication through meeting people where they are comfortable, either public forums, social media, or attending public gatherings to hear their issues.  By maintaining a transparent forum, the community will stay informed on all issues related to county government and know that I am there to serve them and be their voice.
What are three major issues you think need to be fixed or addressed across the county?
Barnwell County needs to attract more businesses to improve economic development.  We need to continue to improve our educational development.  We need to generate funding for the school systems through grants and economic revenue, not strain the tax base on the constituents.  Finally, we need more local healthcare access for our community.
What is your first priority if elected?
I would like to see more revenue generated in Barnwell County.  This would help grow our community and help reduce the financial burdens that our taxpayers are feeling.
What are some short term and long term goals if elected?
Short term goals would be to improve infrastructure such as roads and bridges to enhance connectivity within the county.  Work with industries in the surrounding areas to develop a skilled workforce directly out of high school.  Develop partnerships with healthcare agencies to provide quality healthcare services. 
Long term goals are to develop and sustain the economic growth in Barnwell County, while maintaining environmental conservation.  We must, also continue to enhance our youth by providing the highest quality of education to prepare them for life. 

Cruz runs unopposed in District 5

JJ Cruz 

Tell me a bit about yourself (personal & professional background, family, volunteering,
organizations involved in, etc.)
My Name is Joseph J. (JJ) Cruz, I am married with two adult kids and four grandchildren. I have been a resident of Barnwell County for over twenty-four years.
I am a retired South Carolina State Trooper, retired Army Veteran, and current business owner in Barnwell. My affiliation and memberships are with Grand Lodge of Ancient Free Masons of South Carolina, Shriner’s International and Shriner’s Children, Wounded Warrior’s Project, and VFW (Veterans of Foreign Wars).
Why have you chosen to run for this seat?
I became aware that the Barnwell County District 5 seat was going to be vacated. After some thought and advice from family and residents of the county, I decided then to run. I am extremely concerned for the future of Barnwell County. I hope to contribute life’s lessons and experiences for the betterment my community.
What does holding this position mean to you?
If elected as Councilman, it means unconditional service to Barnwell County.
How will you ensure the issues of the constituents you represent are prioritized on the
county level? 
The issues of the constituents in County District five are the reason I decided to run. No doubt, we have healthcare and crime issues. I will personally involve myself in the
commission and committees that relate to these issues. I will be transparent, informative, and available to those I serve.
How will you build a relationship or build trust with the community you serve?
I will take action on facts and not emotion. Again, I will be transparent, informative and available to those I serve.
What are three major issues you think need to be fixed or addressed across the county?
The three major issues I am aware of, are emergency and ambulatory services, illegal drugs overdose, and economic growth.
What is your first priority if elected?
Learn quickly. I would put priority as a matter of current issues the county council is
working to get passed or approve.
What are some short term and long term goals if elected?
If elected, a short-term goal is to provide the necessary and reasonable assistance for
healthcare. A long-term goal is to build and sustain economic growth for the future of
Barnwell County.

Hooper runs unopposed in District 7

Travis Hooper 

Travis Hooper, District 7
Travis Hooper, District 7

My name is Travis Hooper. I was born and raised right here in Barnwell. I have been married to my wife, Daphne, for 32 years. We have 3 daughters: Taylor, Shelby and Mattison; 2 sons-in-law: Daniel and Jerred; and 3 granddaughters: Mary Chilton, Margaret and Eleanor. My parents are Maxine Hooper and the late Gary Hooper.

My father started a lawn care business and I began working for him full time in 2003. I continue to help my mom run this business, as well as, my own business, Hooper’s Landscaping, that I started in 2014.

I am an ordained deacon at Barnwell First Baptist and involved in helping where and when I am needed. I am also a member of the masonic lodge, Harmony #17, and I am currently serving as president of the Ellenton Ag Club and a member of the Echo Coalition Committee. 

I have chosen to run for Barnwell County Council District 7 because I feel the need to continue the improvements started by the current councilmen. I also want to help improve our community even more. I believe that we live in a great community and I want to be part of keeping our community great for our children and grandchildren.

I will be a strong voice for the people that I represent in this county. I have a personal interest in the increasing rates of overdose because my own nephew was a victim of this. I want to see programs that help those addicted and their families. As a member of the Echo Coalition team that meets monthly, I have first hand knowledge of the violence and drug issues that affect this county.

I want to be a representative that will personally meet with the community and listen to what our community needs. I will be vocal about my beliefs and what needs to be done for all people in our county.

3 major issues that I want to address if elected are:

  1. Increasing budgets for rural fire departments
  2. Having better EMS response in the county
  3. Pushing to get Barnwell County to build an emergent care facility to meet the needs of our people

My first priority, if elected, would be to find ways to increase budgets for rural fire departments that will enable them to provide better service to the people of our community.

Short Term Goals

  1. Find ways to help EMS give quicker response times to people in need
  2. Work closely with law enforcement and Axis I to bring solutions to violence and drug overdoses to the county

Long Term Goal

  1. Work with state officials to try and bring some type of emergency healthcare back to Barnwell County. 
  2. Look into the possibility of increasing infrastructure in the county to help small businesses thrive