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Crossing the stage at a later age


Looking over the lake at the Barnwell State Park, graduates of Bamberg-Barnwell Adult Education (AE) turned the tassel on July 28 in front of educators, family, and friends.

Twenty-nine graduates comprised the 2022 AE graduating class, and 15 participated in the ceremony.

Director Joye Hallman welcomed family and friends, and thanked them for their continued support of their graduates. AE instructor Harvey Hayes led the invocation.

Janet K. Thompson, retired technical assistance consultant at the South Carolina Department of Education and ceremony speaker, held a set of keys while at the podium.

“You’ve got to have something to open that door. I’m holding my keys to remind you that you just got a key to open up another door,” said Thompson. “You’re encouraging other people just because you opened that door.”

Adult education is “near and dear” to Thompson’s heart, and emphasized to the graduates what a major accomplishment they have just achieved.

“From this point forward, you’re a high school graduate,” said Thompson. “Honor that credential, make sure you tell that story.”

Graduate Jason Still returned to school to get his G.E.D. to set an example for his children, and anyone else who needs someone to look up to. He graduated alongside his wife, Amber Still, and the couple was surrounded by loved ones as they celebrated their achievements.

The date of this graduation ceremony fell on a very important week for The Stills, as Jason celebrates receiving his G.E.D. on July 28, and will celebrate 11 years sober on July 29.

The Stills are involved in Celebrate Recovery, a 12-step recovery and fellowship program, and represented the organization at the graduation ceremony.

Thompson told the graduates in her speech to “always tell your story, because you don't know who will be encouraged by it.” The Stills honor this idea everyday.

Initially, graduate Micah Delk did not think he would return to academics. However, with encouragement from his parents, he proudly walked across the stage.

“I didn't think I was going to come back and get my G.E.D., but my mother told me I should really get it as soon as possible, and then my father encouraged me and told me that if I got my GED, I would really go far,” said Delk.

“They said I was a very intelligent person and at the time I didn't see it in myself, but here I am,” he said.

Like Delk said, support from family and friends is important in accomplishing your goals no matter the timeline.

“It’s not who wins the race, it’s who finishes it out until the end,” said Hayes.

These 29 graduates finished the race, and now have yet another key to continue opening doors, as Thompson said.

“It’s just the best thing that happens every year,” said Hallman.

Bamberg-Barnwell Adult Education offers day and evening classes throughout the year at two locations; one at 10370 Ellenton St. in Barnwell, and the other at 3788 Faust St. in Bamberg.

AE is “designed to provide instruction in basic education to the adult learner” and prepare them to be self-directed and productive community members, according to their website.

“We have a mixture of both South Carolina high school diploma grads as well as G.E.D. grads,” said Hallman.

“If they come in needing four or less units or credits to earn their South Carolina high school diploma, they do have the option of pursuing their high school diploma,” said Hallman.

“The majority of our students are G.E.D. preparation students where they actually come into Adult Ed, go through an orientation, and they are assigned into classes based on their strengths and weaknesses. And then they work toward passing the four parts of the G.E.D.,” she said.

The school offers a G.E.D. program, a high school diploma program, the TABE Foundations Program, the Literacy Program, and the Career Readiness Program.

These programs are offered at two locations serving three school districts.

For more information on criteria for enrollment and other services offered by the school, visit or call (803) 541-6021.