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Allendale County School Board holds retreat


On Tuesday, July 12, Dr. Margaret Gilmore, superintendent of Allendale County Schools, sponsored an in-person school board retreat for its members. The theme, “Ignite the Vision,” focused on the characteristics of effective school boards and offered an opportunity for the board to reflect on its purpose and goals for success.

The board discussed its roles and responsibilities and collaborative engagement strategies to help the district meet goals. Guest speakers Dr. Annette Melton, Cognia senior director of the Mid-Atlantic; Mr. William Bowman, Chair, Colleton County School District; Attorney Vernie Williams, Halligan Mahoney & Williams Law Firm; and Dr. Darrell Johnson, retired superintendent and executive director of Salk Consortium presented on the following:

  • Board Relationships and Effective Governance
  • Your Role & Support as a Board Member
  • From Hiring to Hearing Implications / Local Board Issues
  • Board Members: Do’s and Don’ts

Dr. Gilmore and the district office cabinet members provided a State of the District update on finance and budget, curriculum and instruction, special education services, assessment and accountability, and human resources. The school board gleaned a plethora of amazing information from the retreat and looks forward to working with Dr. Gilmore to continue to move the district forward.

Allendale County School District is on the move! What a great day of learning!