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The "goat car crew"


Going through some old newspapers, I came across this picture with the following caption: “Reunited again are some members of the infamous ‘goat car crew’ who followed every Barnwell parade in the 1950s in their Model A Ford with a white goat as a passenger."

Now just how much fun could that have been? It was harmless entertainment for all! By the way, the goat belonged to our own Billy Creech. The owner of the Model A is uncertain.

Pictured are Barnwell High School grads and pals: (left to right) George Lee Webb, ’56; Billy Creech, ’50; Van Cooper, ’53; Don Peerson, ’54 and Charles Ridgeway, ’57.

Today, our world seems to be upside down and wrong side out. Hopefully, this mini article / photo will give you a much-needed mini chuckle from days gone by.