Serving Barnwell County and it's neighbors since 1852

Social Studies Scavenger Hunt


The Williston-Elko Middle School held a Social Studies Scavenger Hunt on January 10th at the Williston Town Museum.  This family engagement event was an event to introduce middle school students to the town museum and have an opportunity to earn some extra credit points in social studies. According to Mrs. Adara Neville, “ As a member of the Williston Town Council and a social studies teacher, I want to expose more of our students to the resources available in our town.” The town museum and many of our other places of interest are unknown to most of our citizens. I hope to create a yearly event or field trip to spread information about what Williston has to offer”.  It is Mrs. Neville’s hope that more families will make time to visit the museum on their own. There is a plan to host an event at the town library soon where students will be able to apply for their own library card & see the many books & resources available. Williston may be a small town but it’s full of BIG things.