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Guinyard-Butler Middle School students celebrate National Poetry Month


These poems were written by students in Mandy Smith’s class at Guinyard-Butler Middle School in Barnwell as part of April being National Poetry Month.

Growing Old

Some people don’t even get to grow old

Warm summer night while your body turns cold

It’s just in our nature I guess, it makes me mad because this I cannot stress

How can somebody take another man’s life?

All it takes is one motion to grab that knife.

This just adds on to a worldly sadness like a boot and a scuff,

I just don’t understand why life is so rough,

It seems if you’re gonna make it you gotta be tough,

It seems everybody can’t get enough.

One motion to grab that gun,

One motion to take your own life or another one.

-7th Grade Student, GBMS


I wish it was Saturday

Or even a Sunday

Instead it’s an annoying Monday

Wishing that there was no school

Wishing I could have fun swimming in a pool.

Seeing gum under the desk

Having a sleepy feeling like I had no rest

Working hard for my grades

Knowing that it will help me in my future days.

Wanting to go home and lay in my bed

But I have to focus and remember what my teacher said

School is close to being over

I can’t wait to get home and lay in my cover.

School is finally done

Now I can go outside and play in the sun

Now it is night I can’t wait to sleep

But tomorrow is Tuesday and this routine will repeat.

I Can Forgive

For all the tears spilt

For all the lies told

For all the times you’ve screamed

For all the pain you caused

For all the trauma you inflicted

For all the hurt I deal with daily

For the old soul effect

For all the bruises

For all the scars

For the feel of comfort and happiness I once felt now gone

For the time you left when I needed you most

For the shame

For the depression

For the anxiety attacks

For the slaps and kicks

For the exposure of drugs

For the danger I was put through

This, I thank and forgive you mom.

It has made me who I am today.

-7th Grade Student at Guinyard-Butler Middle School

The fear of test

The grade showing

Your heart sinking

Returning home to yelling

Toys being taken

Crying yourself to sleep

Waking up to do it all over

Wasting so much time learning

Just to forget it all

Then another test

-7th Grade Student at Guinyard-Butler Middle School