Serving Barnwell County and it's neighbors since 1852

Every 3rd grader in county benefits from Rotary Dictionary Project


What is the meaning of “polio”?

That was one of the words third graders in Barnwell County sought to answer recently with their brand new dictionaries. Each third grader was presented a dictionary from the Rotary Club of Barnwell County. As part of their annual Dictionary Project, local Rotarians distribute the dictionaries throughout the county which the students are able to write their names in and keep permanently. Teachers are also presented a copy.

The eradication of polio is one of the worldwide projects of Rotarians, explained Past President Lynn ­McEwen to the students at Barnwell Primary School. She had the students look up the word and let them know it is a disease which is close to being eradicated. Rotarians visited all third grades around the county, in both private and public schools, to share the joy of reading and to tell students a little about what the Rotary Club does throughout the county, the nation, and the world.

“Literacy is critically important, and I am so happy our Rotarians make efforts to impact it for students countywide,” expressed Rotary Literacy Chair Crissie Stapleton. “With literacy being one of Rotary International’s primary areas of focus, the Dictionary Project is a great way for local clubs like ours to focus our outreach efforts.” Stapleton also shared other ways literacy is promoted through the local Rotary Club, including Little Wooden Libraries and student recognitions throughout the year.

Rotarians internationally and locally provide service to others, promote integrity, and advance world understanding, goodwill, and peace through their fellowship of business, professional, and community leaders. The Dictionary Project, which takes place during World Literacy Month, exemplifies Rotarians’ work to emphasize the need for literacy, which serves as one of The Rotary Foundation’s six areas of focus worldwide. According to Rotary International, “Basic education and literacy are essential for reducing poverty, improving health, encouraging community and economic development, and promoting peace.”

Rotarians believe that together, we see a world where people unite and take action to create lasting change — across the globe, in our communities, and in ourselves.

To learn more about the Rotary Club, visit Please contact Rotary Club Secretary Lynn McEwen if you are interested in membership in the local Rotary Club.