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Dr. Gilmore’s final goodbye to Allendale County schools


Dr. Margaret Gil­more entered her retirement party to an Alicia Keys anthem symbolizing her past six years at Allendale County School District (ACSD).

‘Girl on Fire’ has played in the background of many ACSD board meetings since Dr. Gilmore began serving as superintendent in 2018 to remind students, staff, and the community of the district’s advancements.

Not only is ACSD ‘on fire’ in terms of academic achievement and district growth, but so is Dr. Gil­more as an individual. This was made evident through the many kind words said about her tenure with the school at the June 27 party.

“Tonight we are here to celebrate an icon, a power­ful leader, and a change agent,” said ACSD Director of Federal and Accountability Programs Audrey Patterson. “Dr. Gilmore embodies strength, loyalty, compassion, dedication, and tenacity…. She is a true gem.”

Dr. Gilmore has been in education across the country for 40 years. Out of the many academic institutions where she has worked, she found a home and family in Allendale County.

“Even though she has only been in Allendale six short years, it feels like we have known her for a lifetime,” said ACSD Director of Finance Angela Grant.

“Not only does she love our children, but she loves our community,” said Town of Allendale councilmember Lottie Lewis.

Dr. Gilmore refers to students as her babies, regardless if they are in kindergarten or in their senior year. At board meetings, students would run into her open arms and accept praise for their academic success.

“Do you know anyone that has done more for our schools? Do you know anyone that loves our babies and our scholars more?” asked Camille Narin, to which the crowd replied a resounding ‘no.’ Narin is a founding member of Allendale Enterprise, a non-profit focused on bettering the community through educational initiatives.

In addition to loving her students and staff, Dr. Gilmore will fight for them. Many speakers at the event expressed how she will not tolerate any negativity toward the district or community.

“She goes hard for Allendale,” said Barnwell County Consolidated School District Superintendent (BCCSD) Dr. Marcella Shaw, who retired at the end of June. “Anytime we are in a room and we have to do introductions, it is, ‘I am Dr. Margaret Gilmore, the proud superintendent of ACSD.’”

Dr. Gilmore advocated for the district on a local, state, national, and international scale. She used every opportunity and every room she was in to voice the needs of her students.

“You went out far and near advocating for Allendale, everywhere you went,” said Patterson.

“In her heart and in her mind, Allendale spans far and wide. It is not rural, it is not small, it is special,” said Dr. Shaw.

In this advocacy work, Dr. Gilmore began to change the headlines at ACSD. What once was feared and suppressed became exciting and out­spoken.

“Throughout her illustrious tenure here in Allendale… I have watched Margaret change the headlines,” said Dr. Vallerie Cave, Colleton County Supe­rintendent and mentee of Dr. Gilmore.

To change the headlines, Dr. Gilmore spent as much time as she could in the community. Her first home is in Atlanta; she would embark on the four hour commute on Friday evenings and return Sunday afternoons. During the week, she could be found at ACSD.

“I’m a farmer and I get up early and I come in when the sun comes down, and I’ll tell you, Dr. Gilmore kept those same hours,” said her friend and neighbor, Don Sharp.

“Eugene, thank you so much for letting her stay here in Allendale,” said Sharp to Dr. Gilmore’s husband. “Dr. Gilmore is a powerful person, but she is so full of compassion. She cares about Allendale.”

For her far-reaching impact, Dr. Gilmore was presented with a resolution read by Town of Allendale councilmember Kathy Tharin.

“On this occasion it is fitting to pause and reflect in appreciation on Dr. Gilmore and her dedication and commitment to Allendale County School District,” read Tharin.

June 30, 2023 is now officially known as “Dr. Margaret A. Gilmore Day” in Allendale County.

Throughout this celebra­tion, Dr. Gilmore was moved to tears many times. However, the tears swelled when her students came out to perform a liturgical dance in her ­honor.

“It truly meant the world to me to have you here to celebrate this milestone with me. Seeing your smiling face made me realize just how blessed I am to have such amazing people in my life,” said Dr. Gil­more.

Dr. Gilmore is retiring from ACSD to spend more time with her husband, children, and grandchild.