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D45 celebrates recent and future facility improvements


The Barnwell School District 45 board was celebrated as they move forward.

“Forward Together” was the 2023 theme of National School Board Month in January. Board members received gifts from the four schools and signed the South Carolina School Boards Association’s ethical principles.

“It’s so important to work together to really make a difference and move forward,” said Superintendent Dr. Crissie Stapleton.

Board Chairwoman Rosey Anderson said, “I count it an honor to serve the school district.”

The board then received updates on several ongoing projects, including the new high school gym that will double as a FEMA shelter.

S.C. Emergency Management Division and FEMA will cover 75 percent of the $4,842,750 anticipated cost of the total project, while the school district will cover the remaining 25 percent, according to estimates when the project was first announced in 2019.

Ever since, the district has been working through the process.

A Phase 1 Archaeological Survey must be conducted after it was discovered the proposed location of the gym is a possible historical site. The survey must be conducted in accordance with standards of archaeology outlined by the state.

The district has also completed the bid acceptance stage for multiple projects funded through ESSER funds that were given by the federal government for COVID. Projects include replacing HVAC units at several locations, a fire alarm system at the high school, an intercom system at the primary school, and replacing windows and doors at several schools.

Supply chain issues have delayed some projects, but Stapleton said they have September deadlines to spend some of this money.

The district will soon receive two new activity buses, which are awaiting lettering and final inspection at the Georgia production facility.

The first phase of the cafeteria project at Barnwell High School is complete. This includes new furniture and wall logos.

“We wanted to give it more of a food court feel,” said Stapleton.

The district is working to schedule a ribbon cutting to include Savannah River Nuclear Solutions and the American Heart Association.

The second phase, which will be done in June, will remodel the serving area.