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Barnwell Ponytails welcomed home after World Series win


The World Series winning Barnwell Ponytails were welcomed home with sirens and cheers. 

The All-Star softball team traveled to Louisiana for the third year in a row to compete in the Dixie Softball World Series. After coming in second and third, respectively, in 2022 and 2023, the Barnwell Ponytails brought home the first-place trophy this year after going 5-0 during the three-day tournament. 

“You worked hard, traveled far, and prevailed against some very good competition,” stated the announcer at the awards ceremony following the championship game on July 29.

Many of the 11- and 12-year-old girls had been to the World Series at least one of the prior two years. That’s why bringing home the championship trophy was even sweeter. 

“All 12 of y’all are like daughters to me,” said head coach Brad Whitehead, who has led the team to the World Series all three years. “You have worked your tails off. You deserve this and I’m proud of you.”

Welcome Home

On Thursday, August 1, the community welcomed home the Barnwell Ponytails. 

Firefighters from the Barnwell Fire Department escorted the players and coaches to Lemon Park on fire trucks with lights and sirens blazing. 

The Barnwell Ponytails explored the new Barnwell Fire Department before riding a fire truck to their welcome home celebration August 1 at Lemon Park.
The Barnwell Ponytails explored the new Barnwell Fire Department before riding a fire truck to their welcome home celebration August 1 at Lemon Park.

“You have truly made Barnwell very proud,” said Barnwell County Councilman Daniel Alexander during the ceremony.  

Williston Town Councilman Eric Moody thanked the coaches for investing in the lives of the girls. He also congratulated the players for showing the “whole southeast how awesome our athletes are.”

Alexander read Galatians 6:9 from the Bible, which states, “Let us not become weary in doing good, for at the proper time we will reap a harvest if we do not give up.” 

He said the players embody this due to their effort and countless hours on the practice field. “Your hard work and determination paid off. Being a champion means never giving up, believing in teammates and believing in yourself, working together as a team and always striving to be your best,” he said. 

Alexander encouraged the players to apply the lessons from softball to their lives as they face challenges and setbacks. “With teamwork, faith and perseverance, you’ll get the job done,” said Alexander. 

At the end of the ceremony, Coach Whitehead presented each player with their official World Series championship ring. 

Shalayah Badger, #47, proudly displays her World Series ring.
Shalayah Badger, #47, proudly displays her World Series ring.

Parental Support

Behind each player is a support system of parents, siblings, grandparents, and other loved ones. Many of them made the 10-hour trek to Louisiana. 

Below is a Q&A with the parents of the players of the Barnwell Ponytails.

What was it like to see your daughter win the World Series?

Ashley Whitehead: I was extremely proud of her.

Chad Vanacore: It was very gratifying not only for my daughter but for all involved. It was a really proud moment for this team and the entire community.

Randy & Robyn Reece: The victory was sweet and it made all the sacrifices worth it. 

Ashley Pender: It was an unreal feeling! Full of joy and pride, I went from cheering to crying in 2 seconds. 

Anthony & Brookey Taylor: We were very happy for her with this being her first year making it to the WS and to experience this once in a lifetime victory. She played hard and gave her very best. We are extremely proud of her!

Reginald & Lakisha Roberts: The feeling was indescribable we could not put our emotions into words.

Lawrence & Jamie Still: It was an experience I will never forget. To see these girls with so much talent perform like little pros and watch how they stayed positive, never losing sight of that final victory, makes me a parent so proud. They kept their Jesus, their witness and their attitudes in check. Harper loves the game; she can be so hard on herself but in the end she knows it will make her strive to be better. She’s determined to make that throw or catch a fly ball and I love watching her succeed and grow in this sport. 

Michael & Hollie Terrapin: It was so exciting! Super proud of her because we know how hard she has worked for it. It was amazing to watch her pitch the championship game and strike out the last batter to close the game for a team she loves so much. 

Randal & Holley Padgett: It truly was a blessing as we have watched them for 3 years. The expressions they had on their faces and the love they share for each other. 

Siteaka & Brandon Badger: It was amazing seeing our daughter play in the World Series. 

Socha Walker: It was amazing and a priceless moment. 

Genesis Walker, #16, and her father, Reggie, display the team’s trophy. Reggie was one of the coaches.
Genesis Walker, #16, and her father, Reggie, display the team’s trophy. Reggie was one of the coaches.

What was your favorite experience or memory from this trip? 

Whiteheads: She got a great hit in the first game that brought in a run. She was so proud of herself and looked for me in the stands to help celebrate. 

Vanacore: It was amazing to watch firsthand the love these girls share for one another. The bond these girls have is remarkable. They genuinely care for each other on and off the field.

Reeces: Watching these girls have a good time while becoming champions was the icing on the cake. 

Pender: Watching our girls’ faces after they won, seeing that excitement makes all those hot, long days at the ballpark worth it! 

Taylors: It came in the championship game in the top of the first. There was one out, and the batter popped up in foul territory. Brinkley sprinted to make a sliding dive catch which showed her determination and enthusiasm for the game and her position as a catcher.

Roberts: Seeing the camaraderie between the girls and the families, and on the lighter side watching KeKe fall after a pickle and try to crawl back to 1st base.

Stills: I enjoy watching the games, winning and eating out. Mostly I love being with my softball family. We always have a good time, whether it’s sitting in the lobby of the hotel playing cards, waiting for our DoorDash, meeting up at Buc-ees, sneaking in each other’s rooms eating their snacks or slipping out to do a little shopping. We are a close-knit family and I love them all like they are blood. 

Terrapins: Just getting to spend time with the girls and their families. We always have a good time! 

Padgetts: First our softball family is amazing and friends we will have for a lifetime.  It has been amazing to watch our daughter grow into an awesome center field player.  The talent she has and respect for the ball has made it enjoyable to watch. 

Badgers: The memories will last a lifetime. Our favorite was seeing our daughter on the mound. She did what she had to do to help her team win. 

Walker: Seeing everyone coming together as one and cheering these girls on. 

Loved ones cheer on the Barnwell Ponytails at the 2024 Dixie Softball World Series.
Loved ones cheer on the Barnwell Ponytails at the 2024 Dixie Softball World Series.

What is your message to the community for their support throughout this whole experience? 

Whithead: Thank you for supporting and loving our girls. The way you have supported them and made them feel during all of this is unreal. This support is the exact reason why I am glad my children get to grow up in the community.

Vanacore: I just want to thank the community for their unwavering support. There were so many that helped support us along the way and without their support these trips to Louisiana would not have been possible.

Reeces: We know, personally, how difficult it can be to provide support to all the extracurricular things. The outpouring of encouragement and financial support is unmatched and is one of the many reasons we are proud to raise our family here. 

Pender: I can’t thank y’all enough for all the support given to these girls and our families! Barnwell County is a wonderful place to live! 

Taylors: We’re thankful for all the prayers and support through donations, sponsorships and anonymous giving. It showed their love for the girls and confidence in their athletic ability to represent not only Barnwell but South Carolina.

Roberts: We would like to thank the community for all their support whether it was prayers, their thoughts, financial, or them watching the game.

Stills: I cannot begin to thank everyone who has made this possible for all of us. Our community has pulled together and believed in our girls and this is truly AMAZING. I’m so happy the girls were able to bring home what you invested in. Hopefully seeing the ponytails win the World Series will encourage others to play ball (baseball or softball) and know they too can accomplish what the 12U did this year. Big things do happen in small communities and it can/will happen again, just pour your heart into it. 

Terrapins: We would like to thank the community for all of their support it truly is amazing. To see a small town come together to help these girls achieve their dream is truly a blessing. 

Padgetts: We would like to thank every person who has helped donate and sponsor our girls. To see all of the followers on Facebook was amazing. We live in a special community who has cheered these girls on for 3 years and we believe they experienced our joy with us!
Badgers: Thank you to all that helped in any kind of way. We really do appreciate everything. Y’all are the best. The community made it happen and the girls fought hard to bring the trophy back home. 

Walker: Thanks for all y’all have done. Keep believing in these girls and loving them and giving them encouraging words. 

Anything else?

Vanacore: Really proud to be a part of this team and community. We moved here from Georgia 10 years ago and Barnwell quickly became home. For that we are forever grateful.

Taylors: We really appreciate all the support from the parents and the unity everyone had. We were very blessed to be a part of this experience as this sets a precedence for the years ahead as we follow Brinkley in her passion for softball. We’re also very thankful for all the time sacrificed from the coaches and their families. All the hard work that was poured into this group of girls is priceless. We believe that’s the reason these girls have succeeded and will continue to succeed at the game of softball. (Also looking forward to telling our grandchildren that their mother won the World Series when she was 12.) 

Roberts: Special thanks to the coaches and their spouses for their selfless dedication, and to the girls we are so proud of you all and each of you were crucial in winning the World Series.

Stills: I would like to thank Jonathan Vickery for keeping everyone updated on Facebook. He has been a huge supporter for these girls for years and we call him family. 

I would like to thank Brad, Michael and Reggie for loving Harper like their own. Thank you for the discipline, guidance, and the support you have shown her. When we started playing in Barnwell, Harper was the only “out of towner” and you have taken her in and made her your own. She’s never felt like an outcast or she didn’t belong. You will never know the positive impact you have had on not only Harper but to me, Lawrence and Landen. You three will always have a special place in my heart. 

Padgetts: We are very proud of our community and the support we all have received. 
We are very proud of our girls as they have deserved this for a few years. They worked hard, diligently practiced, played positions they didn’t know and learned from each other. Most importantly they have a strong unity and Christian faith that has led them through many practices and games. We watched them over the weekend pray for themselves and other teammates. We watch them cheer on the other teams and ensure they were OK if they were hurt! We are very proud to be a part of this experience. We love all of them!

Walker: With God anything is possible.