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Barnwell Ponytails are headed to the Dixie Youth Softball World Series


This is not a headline from the last year or the year before, but it could be. The Barnwell Ponytails will be making their third straight trip to the Dixie Softball World Series in Louisiana this weekend after claiming another State Championship on June 16 when they defeated a tough all-star team from Saluda County.

The Barnwell Ponytails claimed a third straight State Championship in the Dixie Softball 11-12-year-old classification. The State Championship did not come easy, as Barnwell had to battle back after losing the first game of the three-game championship series. Barnwell head coach Brad Whitehead’s team played a hard-fought game but fell just short, dropping the opener 1-0. In game two, Barnwell rebounded with another close battle, but came out on top 8-7, setting up the deciding third game. Game three saw the Barnwell squad explode for twelve runs on their way to a 12-8 ­victory and a third straight State Championship. With the State Championship, the Pony­tails also earned their third straight trip to the Dixie Softball World Series.

The Ponytails will open their 2024 World Series tournament against the Topsail team from North Carolina on Saturday, July 27 with first pitch scheduled for 11 a.m.

This trip would not be possible without a lot of community support. That support has helped this team reach their fundraising goals through various raffles, Boston butt sales, watermelon sales, etc. The watermelons were donated anonymously with the donator not looking for recognition, but just wanting to help these young ladies represent Barnwell on a national stage.

This Wednesday, July 24 at 6 p.m., the community is encouraged to come out to Lemon Park in Barnwell and let this group know that they are backed by the whole town. Raffle winners will be announced at this event and the young ladies and coaches would love to see a large showing of support before they head to Louisiana the next day. Nick Toole will also pray for the team.

“We invite everyone to come join us to offer words of encouragement or simply just show ­your support. We are greatly appreciative of everything this community has done for us,” said Whitehead.

The Ponytails team heading to East Ouachita, Louisiana includes Emily Vanacore, Brinkley Taylor, Kensley Terrapin, Harper Still, Mckaylee Padgett, Ashby Heltibridle, Mary Sanders Reece, Rekeya Roberts, Genesis Walker, Kinsley Bridges, Sadie Whitehead, and Shalayah Badger. Brad Whitehead is head coach and Michael Terrapin and Reggie Walker are his assistant coaches.

What are this team’s chances of winning the 2024 Dixie Softball Ponytails World Series?

Barnwell was national runner-up in 2022 and finished in third place in 2023. If you ask Coach Whitehead, he thinks his team has a good chance to win it all this year.

“I think we have the best shot at winning it this year. We have the pitching, the bats are getting hot at the perfect time, and our defense is impeccable. So, as long as we can go over there, play the game we know, and put the bat on the ball, we will be ok,” he said.

Pitching is always so important in these tournaments. Coach Whitehead added, “We’ve got four girls that I can call on at any given minute, that can step on the mound.”

One last note from Coach Whitehead on the expectations for his team: “That standard here is high, and they know it and they love it, and they want to go and bring it back this time and I’m going to let them do it.”

Good luck to Coach Whitehead and the Barnwell Ponytails softball team. Barnwell is behind you!