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Williston Town Council meets 2023 goals


Mayor pro-tem Scott Valentine bid farewell to the council at their last meeting of the year.

“I know the council will be in good hands,” said Valentine, who has served the Town of Williston for 12 years.

Valentine led the invocation, where he thanked God and the community for the ability to serve a town he loves.

“It has been an honor serving with you,” said town administrator Michael Beasley. “We appreciate all that you’ve done to serve this community. It is a big step and a big challenge, but I know you have always worked diligently in trying to improve the livelihood of the citizens here in Williston and it does not go unnoticed. I appreciate you.”

Councilwoman Adadra Neville will also not be returning to her council seat in the new year. Replacing these council members are Greg Walkup and Judy Taylor, who were elected earlier this year.

“We look forward to introducing a new council and moving Williston forward,” said Mayor Brett Williams.

2023 Goals Accomplished

“I am happy to say we have touched on all of your seven goals this year,” said Beasley.

The goal of establishing an active beautification committee has been met; at a recent council meeting, the beautification committee proposed a project to revitalize the landscaping around the fountain on Main Street.

The success of this committee is two-pronged, as it also touches on the council’s goal of increasing community involvement. This was also seen at the town’s recent Christmas festivities.

Another goal was to improve the infrastructure and facilities. At the Dec. 11 meeting, the council approved a resolution for a $1,290,728 tentative contract with Gene Ray Fulmer Construction of Ridge Spring, S.C. for a new filtration system for the Shuler Street well.

This funding is coming from the state and federal Rural Infrastructure Authority (RIA) grants and the Community Development Block Grant, and is being administered by the Lower Savannah Council of Governments (LSCOG). The contract is tentative because after being approved by the town, it must also be approved by RIA and the S.C. Department of Commerce before work can begin.

“The town and RIA have signed off on it, we are just waiting on commerce to approve it,” said Justin Outzs of Turnipseed Engineers, the town’s liaison for the grant implementation.

Outzs explained this project was under budget by around $400,000.

Once the signing process is complete with the Dept. of Commerce, beginning work will depend on the schedule of the contractor. Councilman Eric Moody asked Outzs when work was projected to start. Outzs explained the filtration system itself was 40 weeks out.

Other infrastructure and facility initiatives include new flooring and a remodel of the EMS building after the entrance of Thorne Ambulance Service (TAS) as well as new recreation equipment.

Beasley explained new fencing at the town park will be installed after Christmas. This is funded through a previously received Parks & Recreation Development (PARD) grant.

If there is left over funding after the installation, the town will allocate it to things such as dugouts at the ball fields, a pitcher’s mound, scoreboard, and playground equipment.

Another goal of the council for 2023 was to maintain a safe community. The town worked on heightening traffic and code enforcement, brought in TAS, and increased communication with the fire department.

Beasley commended interim recreation director Ronnie Tobin and the recreation and activities committee for their dedication and work ethic– another goal of the town in the interest of its youth.

Organizational effectiveness was also a main goal of the council: town hall staff have been bettering the structure of the office by holding weekly meetings and implementing new processes for the flow of information.

Alongside this organizational goal is a goal to evaluate operations and systems. This is being achieved through routine department meetings and revamping town hall programs such as the credit card processing system.

Goals for 2024 will be created by the council at an upcoming workshop.