Serving Barnwell County and it's neighbors since 1852

Together Sisters Club serves Blackville seniors


Some memorable occurrences happened in 1976.

Among them, nationally, the bicentennial of the United States was celebrated. In worldwide news, Steve Jobs and Steve Wozniak founded Apple Computer and right here in our own backyard of Blackville, S.C., the Together Sisters Club was formed.

Maybe that doesn't seem like news to sweep the nation, but it's these small towns across our land and the faith of people within them that keep us going strong.

On a recent windy, September Sunday afternoon, The Together Sisters Club gathered at the Blackville Community Center and humbly gave of themselves to serve free drive-thru meals, available to all senior citizens in the area.

Janice Livingston,  president and spokesperson for the Together Sisters Club, explains that the organization was formed nearly 50 years ago, “We formed as a way to give community service to the surrounding counties. Holding events every month for children, adults, and young people. Each month we have a scheduled event and this month. In September, we’re celebrating Grandparents Day. It’s our way of giving back to our seniors to let them know we love and appreciate what they have done. We’re just here for the community.”

In October, the club will be participating in a Halloween event for the children. In November, the veterans will be their focus with a fish fry to enjoy. And in December, for Christmas, the Together Sisters will be hosting Bingo for the community.

“We’re booked for the rest of the year!” Livingston said. “It’s all happening in Blackville, but we invite the surrounding counties, because we have members from those counties.”

Together Sisters Club originally started at Blackville Manufacturing with a group of young ladies who worked there and had a desire to help the community.

“They came up with the idea of having a girl’s group and it has been growing and continuing since 1976,” Livingston said.

Currently, there are 15 members with a membership drive welcoming other ladies to join. The group meets on the second Sunday afternoon of each month at 3 p.m. at the Beaver Dam Activity Center on Highway 78.

“The community has been great,” Livingston added. “We are always receiving donations from businesses and individuals. God just always continues to bless us.”

Just as life was celebrated, honoring the moral values of those good old 1976 bicentennial days and as it was the century before today, 48 years later, these ladies still humbly serve, volunteering their time.

They’re truly a testament to God’s never-failing promise. Proverbs 11:25: “He who refreshes others will be refreshed.”

Indeed, you’re an inspiring group of ladies, Together Sisters Club. Thank you for all you do.