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Students Honor Service at WEHS


Williston-Elko High School (WEHS) and Williston-Elko Middle School (WEMS) staff and students joined together to honor the sacrifices of veterans and active-duty service members.

WEHS Student Government President Kaitlyn Simmons led the Pledge of Allegiance before math teacher, tennis coach, and Army veteran Bernard Walters provided the invocation. The ceremony was hosted by WEHS English teacher Amanda Carter.

WEMS teachers James Kelly and Lisa Phillips, and community member Joey Bechtold sat as honored guests at the event surrounded by their students and community.

Simmons returned to the podium alongside WEHS Student Government Vice President Gabriel Hosey and Senior Representative Tamara Corley, as well as WEMS Student Council President Taraji Allen and Vice President Terrianna Hiers to present the Missing Soldier’s Table.

The Missing Soldier’s Table is a ceremony and memorial often set up to represent the emotions and feelings for those who did not come home. A table was set in front of the podium with a white cloth, a turned-over glass, a lit candle, an open Bible, a red rose, and an empty chair.

The white cloth symbolizes the purity of their motives when serving, the inverted glass represents their inability to share a toast, the Bible represents the strength gained through faith, the lighted candle represents hope for their return, the rose reminds us of those who keep faith while a loved one is away, and the empty chair represents their vacant seat remaining unclaimed.

Prior to the event, WEHS held a Veteran’s Day poetry contest. The winning students read their poems aloud.

In first place was Cadence Brown for her poem titled, “The Marines Made Me That Way.” Brown’s poem was inspired by her grandfather, a veteran of the Marine Corps who attributes parts of his personality to serving as a Marine.

Georgia Collins came in second place with her poem titled, “Service,” and Landen Still came in third place with his poem, “Branch O’ America” read by Carter at the event.

The ceremony consisted of many student voices as well as two guest speakers were welcomed to share their experiences in the armed forces.

Sergeant Raymond Findieson was born and raised in Jamaica before moving to the U.S. with his father when he was younger. Now, he is in his fifth year of the Marine Corps. and serves as a local recruiter based in Orangeburg.

Sgt. Findieson told WEHS students and staff how he heard the call to service.

“I decided I wanted to give back to my nation, the same nation that gave me the opportunity for success,” said Sgt. Findieson.

Findieson felt honored to be a guest speaker and speak with the youth at the ceremony. He finds “anytime I get an opportunity to talk to anybody about the service, or give some words of inspiration, it’s always a good thing.”

Lance Corporal Clifton Yates was recognized as a guest speaker as well. LCpl. Yates is a Reserve Officer in the Marine Corps. from Orangeburg who is in his third year of studying criminal justice at Claflin University.

Sgt. Findieson and LCpl. Yates showed students various paths they can take in the military and explained the fulfillment they feel serving their nation. Both men encouraged students to pursue a career in the military if they have an interest.

“It’s very monumental for me because I was once in their shoes, and recognizing the same impact that others before me left on me, I one day hope to leave that same lasting impact on those younger than me,” said LCpl. Yates.

“It’s a really cool feeling being able to give back and hopefully inspire them to make better decisions,” said LCpl. Yates.

As Barnwell County’s Marine Corps. recruiter, Sgt. Findieson plans to visit Blackville-Hilda High School and WEHS in the coming months to speak further with students.

“I’m here to help out,” said Sgt. Findieson, who has aspirations of establishing JROTC programs in local schools without.

Currently, WEHS and BHHS do not have JROTC programs, and Findieson hopes to be of service if the district decides to establish one in the future.

At the event, members of the Barnwell School District 45 (BSD45) JROTC program presented the Color Guard ceremony.

All six branches of the military were individually recognized during the ceremony when the song of each branch was played and corresponding veterans and active duty service members were asked to stand. In order the songs were played starting with the Army, Navy, Marine Corps., Air Force, Coast Guard, and National Guard.

Sgt. Findieson and LCpl. Yates both provided closing remarks and thanked staff members for welcoming them to the event.

Paraphrasing the late Navy Admiral William “Bull” Halsey Jr., Sgt. Findieson reminded students, “there are no extraordinary men, just extraordinary circumstances that ordinary men are forced to deal with.”

In closing, the National Anthem was sung by the crowd and WEHS Principal Anthony Flowers spoke on behalf of staff of the middle and high schools. Flowers explained the tremendous gratitude for veterans, active duty service members, and their families felt by the WEHS staff.

As the crowd poured out of the gymnasium, many WEHS and WEMS students made it a point to shake the hands of Sgt. Findieson and LCpl. Yates and thank them for their service.

“The Marines Made Me That Way”

By Cadence Brown

When I look I my grandfather, I'll tell you what I see

A man, a strong black man, as sturdy as any tree

Who learned to fight by air, land and sea,

All to keep this country free

A man who stands "at ease" after many years of service

And is cool in the face of danger when everyone else is nervous

A man who always puts others first

A man who has seen many a body bag and hearse

A man who fought in what he calls 'Nam

And was drafted by a country to become fodder for a bomb

Through the odds, he survived, he lived

And with every breath he gives all he gives

And if you ask him why he's the way he is today

He'd simply say "The Marines made me that way."

Williston-Elko High School’s Veteran Day Poetry Contest First Place Winner.