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Letter: Barnwell County School Distric superintendent excited to work together in 2024-25 school year


To our Barnwell County School District family:

I am excited about the wonderful things happening throughout the schools across our county and coming together as one district will be a wonderful occasion to embrace the opportunities before us, to celebrate our strengths and accomplishments, as well as identify challenges and create action steps towards addressing them. We look forward to continuing the work our schools strive to do every day in providing our students and families with what they need to be successful.

Over the next several months, we will continue to work together across our county to collaborate, plan, and combine resources in order to provide better educational opportunities for our students throughout Barnwell County. I have said many times that education is a work of the heart, and I truly believe that everyone who sees education as his or her calling believes this to be true. We must believe in the future, believe in the process, and believe in each other as we move forward.

As I look across our county’s schools, I know we have many dedicated and talented employees who have been and will be instrumental in this endeavor. I look forward to working alongside all of our staff members to ensure success. We have strong communities throughout our county who wholeheartedly support our county’s schools. As we face this unique opportunity of consolidating our school systems, not only will we rely on the support of our communities, but we will also work towards forming stronger partnerships throughout Barnwell County.

I am honored and humbled to be part of the new Barnwell County School District, and I look forward to working alongside each of our staff members, as well as with our county’s students, families, and our communities, to create a unified team. When we come together with a shared passion and commitment for our county’s children, anything is possible! It is not “what” we do, but “why” we do it, and I know you can see your “why” in the face of each child who walks our halls.

Looking forward to this continued journey together,

Dr. Crissie Stapleton,

Superintendent of the Barnwell County School District