Serving Barnwell County and it's neighbors since 1852

Letter: Former Allendale resident thankful for IGA’s investment & community commitment


Dear Editor,
I have seen several posts—from differing points of view—come across social media in recent weeks about the Allendale IGA. I just wanted to clarify how I see things as an Allendale native.
The Allendale IGA is an often under-appreciated diamond in the rough in Allendale County. I regularly read of people remarking on how much money they must be making – as if that’s a bad thing. This business went out on a limb and took the risk to see if it could fill an undefined, uncertain need in the community when no one else had seriously dared to try with such a commitment in years. They are rightly successful for all the best reasons.
Recruiting and retaining a staff who takes great pride in what they do. A willingness to try to satisfy special customer requests for particular items that most small grocers discard. Employees and owners who go the extra mile when they aren’t obligated to do so. An impressive selection of merchandise for a rural store its size. A willingness to support worthy charitable causes in the community beyond the bounds of the store. And perhaps most important, their unceasing, humble thanks to all who support them in return. Many of the “big town stores” could take lessons from Allendale’s little grocery store on what it means to be “successful.”
Do they make money? All good businesses do. Do they also realize and appreciate their opportunity and obligation to provide such a valuable service to Allendale County? Absolutely.
The Allendale IGA is small business at its finest. I haven’t lived there in seven years, and I remain truly thankful that my hometown has such a business that fulfills its community’s need so admirably. They deserve our appreciation and our continued support.
Alex Cone,
Edisto Island
(formerly of Allendale)