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Letter: Resident wants tax dollars to provide "best opportunity" for kids to be successful


Dear Editor,
In reading the June 19 article in The People-Sentinel about the four consolidation opinions for a joint high school, nothing was said about having a football field. I guess it was assumed. Barnwell has the only stadium that would come close to accommodating the expected crowds.
At this point with the info I learned from the paper, I am in favor of Opinion 2.
I heard on the TV news that some parents are concerned about the distance their students will have to travel. I think we need to be more concerned about the quality of education each child will have available to him/her.
I grew up in a small town in the bottom of Greenwood (SC) County. We lived 5 miles from McCormick but because we lived in Greenwood County we went to Greenwood District 50 schools. In the late 60’s every student from my hometown of Troy was bussed 20 miles (one way) to Greenwood schools (buses could only go 35 miles per hour at this time). No one complained. That was the way it was. I had time on the bus ride home each afternoon to do my homework, talk with the guys, or flirt with the girls.
The best thing is that District 50 had excellent schools and I was blessed to have benefited from this. I found when I attended college 9 years after graduating from Greenwood High that most of my first year of coursework had been covered in high school.
Again, it’s not the distance that should be an issue. It’s the quality of the education that counts.
The school location, school ­colors, and school mascot are issues but having a state-of-the-art facility where students are afforded the best learning experience possible, in my opinion, should be our focus.
I want my tax dollars to give the student the best opportunity to be successful whether it’s learning a skill or preparing him/her for college.
Forest Gump: “That’s all I’ve got to say about that” for now.
John Young,