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Guinyard-Butler Middle School holds fun-filled festival for parents, students


Guinyard-Butler Middle School held their Social Studies Parent Night and School Improvement Council (SIC) Fall Festival on November 7. Students and parents participated in numerous games and activities in the gymnasium.

All proceeds for the event will benefit the SIC Literacy Initiative for 2023-2024. In total, $600 was raised for the program.

“The proceeds from the festival will enable us to provide additional reading materials for students to have at home,” said GBMS Principal Henrietta Williams.

SIC works to support the school’s renewal plan by giving stakeholders insight into the vision, goals, and operations of the school.

“One of our goals is to support student literacy growth. Teachers are providing daily instruction in the classroom and we want to help provide the quality reading materials needed so that our students' reading skills continue to grow,” said GBMS library and media specialist Heather Peters.

“An added bonus is student enjoyment of reading continues to grow as a result of putting a great book in the hands of a student. This event and the proceeds raised is the first step in the direction of accomplishing our goal for the year,” said Peters.

Game tickets were bought, hot dogs were eaten, the book fair was full of literature, and raffle prizes were drawn.

“We were happy to provide an opportunity for the students, faculty, staff and community members to share information and have fun!” said Williams. “I thank everyone who came out to fellowship with us and our Guinyard-Butler Middle School School Improvement Council for organizing an amazing event. We also thank all of the community partners that joined us to share information and support our students.”