Serving Barnwell County and it's neighbors since 1852

Grandparents are a gift from God


Grandparents Day felt a little different for me this year. You see, this was the first year I didn’t have any grandparents to call or visit since my last grandparent passed away almost one year ago – September 23, 2023.

Though my beloved grandparents are now in heaven, I will forever cherish the memories I have of them. Those memories are abundant, though some stick out a bit more vividly than others.

Lloyd and Imogene Vickery on their wedding day. They were married 65 years.
Lloyd and Imogene Vickery on their wedding day. They were married 65 years.
Growing up in Barnwell, I had my paternal grandparents, Lloyd (Dede) and Imogene (Meme) Vickery, right next door for many years. Though they briefly moved to Lake Murray when I was a kid, they later moved back to Barnwell where I was blessed to be with them in their final years on earth. They passed away in 2015 and 2020.

Visits to the Barnwell Fire Department where my grandfather was chief, trips to Lake Murray for family outings and fish fry suppers, and numerous fishing trips with my grandfather to Florida are just a few of the cherished memories I have of Meme and Dede. They always kept their fridge stocked with Yoo-Hoos, a delicious chocolate drink that my cousins and I loved – and still do. Let’s not forget the Great Hess Truck Scavenger Hunt, which was an annual Christmas tradition where my cousins and I had to find the Hess trucks that my grandfather bought us and hid. Dede got pretty creative some years with his hiding spots.

Cecil and Ione Broadwater on their wedding day. They were married for 50 years.
Cecil and Ione Broadwater on their wedding day. They were married for 50 years.
My maternal grandparents, Cecil (Granddaddy) and Ione (Grandmama) Broadwater, lived three hours away in Greenville. Though I didn’t see them as often as my dad’s parents, I was very close with them and cherished our visits. We lost Granddaddy way too soon (in 2001 when I was in middle school), but I was blessed to have Grandmama until 2023. During my college years, I was blessed to see Grandmama more often because I was in nearby Anderson.

I will always treasure the games of chess I played with them, even if they often were the victors. That game taught me to be patient, think ahead several moves, and to appreciate the things that brought my grandparents joy. I also remember numerous family gatherings at their pool, Christmas potlucks, talking about family history, reliving their travels through stories and photos, and raiding Grandmama’s stash of ice cream.

In addition to memories, I have many mementoes that I will forever treasure.

Earlier this year, my mom and my aunts cleaned out Grandmama’s house so it could be put up for sale. I helped with the process, and I sure found some treasures.

Grandmama was great at documenting life! That’s probably where I get my interest in history, along with love for photography and documenting everything.

She had several large bookcases filled with photo albums chronicling important family moments, including birthdays, Christmas, moving, graduations, and other moments, such as me cooking with her when I was a child. After all, family is the most important thing in this world, along with our relationship with God.

Grandmama also documented the travels she and my grandfather took after they retired. They went to all 50 states and most Canadian provinces. Each album included an itinerary, brochures, maps, lots of photos, and fun facts. I share their love for traveling around this beautiful world we live in.

I brought several albums home with me, though I wish I had the space to bring them all. They sure are treasures that evoked many great memories!

While I was perusing through the photo albums, I found an unexpected treasure – my Granddaddy’s wedding ring. It was taped in the back of the guestbook from his funeral. I found it during the week of what would have been their 73rd wedding anniversary. It’s way too small for my fingers, other than my pinky, but is nonetheless a unique treasure.

Speaking of rings, I proposed to my wife using Meme’s engagement ring. It fit perfectly and is a reminder of my grandparents’ 50-year love story.

Earlier this month, the Barnwell Fire Department honored Dede and other members of our family for over 150 years of service to the City of Barnwell during the dedication of the new fire station. Dede and two other family members served as fire chief throughout the department’s 105-year history. Our family was honored to not only witness the dedication of a beautiful new station that will serve our community well for at least 100 years, but also have the new memorial park outside the station be named in honor of the Vickerys. That’s a fitting gift for Grandparents Day.

As I reflect on the memories and look at the mementoes, I think of how much love and joy my grandparents brought into my heart and life. I believe some of their best attributes live on in me, including their compassionate hearts, strong faith in God, love for nature and animals, creative spirit, and way with words.

If you are blessed to still have your grandparents, please don’t take the time you have with them for granted. I was blessed with a lot of quality time with my grandparents, but I’d love to have just a little more time.

If you are like me and no longer have your grandparents around, I encourage you to do something to honor them. Use your time, money and talents to make this world a better place.

Ever since my paternal grandmother passed away, our family has used our Christmas gift exchange to give back. Each person brings a $10 gift card to a business stuffed inside an envelope addressed to a charity of their choice. Whoever gets that envelope can keep the gift card, but must make a monetary donation to that charity.

It’s always better to give than to receive. Isn’t that exactly what grandparents do? They give their love, money and time to enrich and bless the lives of their grandchildren.

To all the grandparents out there, thank you!