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From trash to treasure: GBMS students learn lesson in litter


A group of Barnwell middle schoolers turned trash into art.

Litter control deputy Darlene Sanders challenged students across Barnwell County to participate in Palmetto Pride’s Eco-Art Exhibit project. Students from Millicent Moore’s eighth grade art class at Guinyard-Butler Middle School (GBMS) were the first to participate in the county and state.

“This project was done to show awareness of the problem of littering, and how we can take something ugly and turn it into something beautiful,” said Moore.

The GBMS students picked up trash around the school grounds in Sept. 2023. They then separated the trash into paper, plastic, metal, and plastic bottles. The following week, students spent class time creating a horseshoe from plastic bottles and a horse from plastic and paper trash they collected.

“The students did a great job turning trash into a sculpture that represents their school,” said Moore of the sculpture that was placed in front of the office.

While the project allowed students to be creative, it held a deeper meaning.

“I hope my students learn to clean up after themselves and not throw trash on the ground. Several students made a comment about how disgusting it was to pick up trash,” said Moore.

Sanders said it is amazing how students turned Gatorade bottles, a plastic raincoat, and beef stick wrappers into something beautiful.

“I wanted all the schools to participate to educate them on litter because it affects everyone. It makes the areas ugly and unclean,” said Sanders. “I believe this gives them pride in themselves as well as their school.”

She said she is excited for GBMS to be the first school in the state to submit its Eco-Art Exhibit project.

“I hope the other schools in our county will take notice of what GBMS has created and strive to represent their school as well,” said Sanders.

Stipends of $250 are available to participating organizations.

Schools can apply to participate at