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DIG campers learn about safety, law enforcement from sheriff’s office


On June 18, Barnwell County Sheriff Steve Griffith, Lt. Eric Kirkland, and other investigators and detectives visited DIG Summer Camp in Williston.

“It was an open forum with the panel where our Dreamers were able to ask questions and engage with law enforcement,” said Shon Crawford, director of programs and projects for DIG (Dreams, Imagination & Gift Development Program).

Subjects covered included safety, how to ask for help and hand gesture if kidnapped or abducted, and classroom safety (“Run, Hide, Fight”).

In light of the questions, one of the Dreamers asked the officers if they preferred Krispy Kreme or Dunkin Donuts.

“We all had an exciting time listening and engaging with the youth who all was given a badge and bracelet,” said Sheriff Griffith.

This event was part of the Barnwell County Sheriff’s Office’s commitment to public relations.