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Consolidation board holds first meeting


Members of the newly created transitional Barnwell County School District Board of Trustees were sworn in at their first meeting on July 25 held at the Barnwell County Career Center (BCCC).

On the board is Terry Richardson, serving as chairman, Dr. Andy Sandifer, Ronald Brown, Becky Huggins, and Abraham Sexton.

“Our job is just to continue the great work that has been done,” said Richardson.

Senate Bill 654 was signed by Governor Henry McMaster in April combining Barnwell School District 45 (BSD45), BCCC or District 80, and the Barnwell County Consolidated School District (BCCSD).

BSD45, BCCSD, and BCCC will be abolished by July 1, 2024 creating the Barnwell County School District. The BCCC board, BCCSD board, and BSD45 board will serve until the consolidation is finalized next year.

The transitional board will help navigate the consolidation process with the first steps being taken at this meeting.

Sexton was elected clerk and Huggins was elected to serve as the board’s representative on the BCCC board. All board members voted in this decision.

Introduced at the meeting was State Department of Education Consolidation Liaison Dr. Lee D’Andrea.

“She has been responsive and worked hard on behalf of Barnwell County,” said Richardson of D’Andrea. D’Andrea will help facilitate conversations between local administration and state agencies.

Although Representative Lonnie Hosey and Senator Brad Hutto were on the meeting’s agenda, neither were present. Richardson said he spoke with both legislators before the meeting – Hosey was undergoing surgery and Hutto had a previous commitment.

BSD45 superintendent Dr. Crissie Stapleton and BCCSD interim superintendent David Corder have been meeting since the bill first passed to also ensure a smooth consolidation discussing topics such as equalizing salaries and software. Their hard work was recognized by the chairman and board members.

“I am tremendously optimistic about the future of our young people, our students, and the leadership they’ve had,” said Richardson. “We certainly hope that we can continue the tradition and make a positive contribution in preparing each of them for either college or work, life, the military, whatever they choose to do, and also to be good citizens.”

According to Stapleton, the state Department of Education is providing a minimum of $3.1 million for consolidation efforts.

“With the meetings we’ve already had and continue to have, we’re looking at where those funds need to be utilized and spent so this consolidation can be smooth,” said Stapleton.

According to Stapleton, there is an additional $10 million in state funds secured.

“There is another $10 million currently with the state. It was from a grant we wrote collaboratively a few years ago for the career center and they have been saving that for us,” she said.

This grant was for renovations and equipment for BCCC.

To receive this money earmarked for facilitating the transition, the board and administrations need to present a plan for consolidation.

“Once we get a plan turned in and amended…then that will be able to be released to us,” said Stapleton of the funding.

The superintendents presented three recommendations to the board for their consideration described as “initial recommendations we need in place to take the first steps,” said Stapleton.

All were approved unanimously.

The first recommendation was to maintain the legal representation of Halligan Mahoney & Williams, based in Columbia, which all three individual districts currently use.

The second recommendation was regarding an interim physical address for the district office necessary for applying for a federal identification number as well as a bank account to receive the aforementioned funds.

“We believe that since the Barnwell County district is named such, that the physical address ought to be in Barnwell,” said Corder.

The board approved the interim address to be located at 770 Hagood Avenue in Barnwell– the address of the current BSD45 district office.

The third and final recommendation regards what district will serve as the fiscal agent, meaning the district that will receive and administer consolidation funds from the state.

The recommendation was BSD45 to serve as the fiscal agent, which was approved by the board.

These approvals are all temporary until the official consolidation occurs on July 1, 2024 and the newly created district steps into this role.

The next meeting of the Barnwell County School District Board of Trustees will be held on Wednesday, August 2 at 2 p.m. at 770 Hagood Avenue in Barnwell.

This meeting will begin as a work session for board members and move into a formal board meeting.

The location for upcoming meetings will move between Blackville, Williston, and Barnwell schools.