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Chief Miller’s tips for Halloween and holiday safety


The City of Barnwell is observing Halloween on Saturday, October 28 from 6 p.m. to 8 p.m., and Interim Chief Robert Miller of the Barnwell Police Department (BPD) has some tips to make your night of treat-or-treating that much safer:

  • Pay attention to your surroundings.
  • Parents keep a close eye on your children.
  • Wear reflective clothing or gear.
  • Check all candy before consumption.

Although BPD officers will be patrolling throughout the city and surrounding neighborhoods on Oct. 28, Chief Miller encourages parents to keep a close eye on their children and surroundings to prevent any potentially dangerous incidents from occurring.

He asks parents to take responsibility for their children’s safety, and BPD will maintain the safety of the community at large.

As the holiday season encroaches, Chief Miller also shared a few safety tips to keep things merry and bright:

  • Make sure there are no visible bags left in your vehicle.
  • Pay attention to your surroundings when you exit stores, especially after dark. Notice nearby vehicles and people.
  • Look in and around your vehicle before entering. Make sure nothing is out of place before entering.
  • Always lock your vehicle.

Chief Miller asks the community to call BPD if an incident occurs or with any concerns, both during and outside of the holiday season.