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Blackville priorotizes downtown development


The Town of Blackville is looking for input from the community on downtown revitalization efforts. With roughly the same citizens attending monthly meetings, the council hopes a digital approach will have a broader reach.

At the December 18 meeting, town administrator Fonda Patrick urged residents to visit the newly revamped website ( to complete a survey asking what they would like to see in the town.

This survey is brought in partnership with Downtown Strategies, a sister company of the Alabama based Retail Strategies; a community development company that creates marketing tools, facade suggestions, and organizes local stakeholders. The company will “develop a customized five-year downtown action plan” based on citizen’s input, said Patrick.

The survey asks 29 questions such as what impacts how often you visit downtown businesses? What three words come to mind when you think about downtown Blackville? When and where do you shop? What should be offered as far as products and services? Do you feel downtown is headed in the right direction?

At the time of the meeting, 42 surveys had been submitted to the town.

A seven-to-eight-member advisory board will be appointed by the council, who plans to make initial steps in this process in the new year. This board will serve as communication between the citizens and council members as this five-year plan is being created.

“We have funds from so many platforms to develop the downtown area,” said Patrick.

In coordination with the county’s Economic Development Commission and a strategic team made of local residents, $45,000 is being allocated to restore downtown. This funding came from the SouthernCarolina Alliance.

The town also received a $1,250 facade grant from the S.C. Municipal Association with a match request from downtown business owners.

Aside from the online survey, there will be a Stakeholder Input Session from 11:30 a.m. to 1 p.m. on February 7, 2024 at the Blackville Community Center. This session is open to the public and welcomes suggestions on how to improve downtown.

Some of the areas already being considered are renovating blighted properties and upgrading the facades of local businesses. Another part of revitalizing downtown is the impending town hall, set to be located next to Russell’s Pizza on Main Street.