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Allendale JROTC Honors Veterans


The morning of November 14 was filled with gratitude at Allendale-Fairfax High School as students, staff, and community members celebrated the sacrifices of those who have served at the Veterans Day Ceremony led by the Army Junior Reserve Officer Training Corps. (JROTC).

“When they do a ceremony like this here, they recognize how important they are to not only themselves but the community as a whole,” said Senior Army Instructor of the AFHS JROTC program, Chief Jeffery Gordon.

The Army JROTC unit at Allendale-Fairfax High School (AFHS) has been a revered program since October 1992. For 30 years and counting, JROTC Cadets have served as stewards of character and leadership development in Allendale County.

At AFHS, JROTC Cadets are members of the Tiger Battalion – named after the mascot of the district.

Prior to the event getting started, the AFHS football team received an award for their work in The United Way of Allendale, Barnwell, and Bamberg County’s Project Care Day 2022.

The team handed out over 200 boxes of fruit and vegetables serving 1,335 people on September 23. Presenting the award to the team was Kathy Tharin, member of The United Way board of directors and recent elect to the Allendale Town Council.

Serving as the Mistress of Ceremonies was Executive Officer Cadet Major Essience Freeman of the Tiger Battalion. Cadet Maj. Freeman welcomed the crowd and introduced each speaker to the podium.

Once the Color Guard presented the colors, AFHS students Ny’kayla Ward and Savannah Speight sang The National Anthem. As the ceremony continued, AFHS band members played tunes such as “When the Saints Go Marching In” and “Taps.” The history and creed of JROTC was read aloud as well.

The keynote address was given by Adrian Priester. Although Priester is a Colonel in the Army National Guard, he stressed how similar he and Allendale-Fairfax students really are.

They both have sat in the same wooden bleachers, both looked forward to walking across that stage, and both know what it means to be a Tiger.

“I sat there 34 years ago and I’m okay, but I want you to be better. That’s what Tigers do,” said Colonel Priester.

Colonel Priester graduated from AFHS in 1988 and in 1992 transferred to the S.C. National Guard. He is a Senior Aviator who has flown over 1,800 hours and was deployed during Operation Iraqi Freedom III and KFOR16.

Colonel Priester currently serves as the Garrison Commander for The McCrady Training Center in Columbia. Here, he synchronizes safety measures, policies, and procedures for Team South Carolina Army National Guard (SCARNG).

Colonel Priester said it was an “extraordinary privilege” to be before ACSD students, and hopes they left with a better understanding of one word–service.

“Are you going to be a selfish person or a selfless leader?” asked Colonel Priester.

He explained how each student had the capability to be of extraordinary service when they appreciate where they are today, but strive to always do better tomorrow. A big part of accomplishing this is being a lifelong learner, according to Colonel Priester, who noted Allendale-Fairfax students are in the right place to do so.

Colonel Priester was presented with a gift by Battalion Commander Cadet Lieutenant Colonel Camron Williams on behalf of the Tiger Battalion.

Battalion CDR Cadet LTC. Williams plans to join the AirForce after he graduates in May 2023, according to Army Instructor of the AFHS JROTC program Sergeant Major Normal Fisher.

“What I see for this battalion, it’s nothing but high expectations from here on out,” said Sgt. Major Fisher, who was amazed by and proud of the cadets he works with.

“They never cease to amaze me,” said Sgt. Major Fisher.

Although the Tiger Battalion is made of mostly ninth graders, their performances do not reveal only a few months of experience.

“Most of them are three months removed from middle school, so that shows you the learning curve, time and training that goes into developing these cadets,” said Chief Gordon.

The drill exhibitions performed at the Veterans Day ceremony were equally appreciated by the honored guests in attendance.

“It was great seeing them, I’m glad they took their time to recognize the veterans,” said Allendale resident and Vietnam veteran Richard Robinson.

“It was great seeing the kids put in a lot of effort and show their appreciation for veterans,” said recently retired Army veteran Gerald Ward.

“I wish the program was here when I came through Allendale,” said Ward, who speaks highly of AFHS’ JROTC program.

Fairfax resident Carl Love served in the Navy for 20 years, and joined the military when he was 17. Love currently works with students with academic and behavioral issues at ACSD.

“I constantly talk to students about the opportunities the military can provide for them,” said Love.

Current JROTC members like ninth graders Cadet Misha Grayson and Cadet ZaNahriah Rhodes are debating careers in the military once graduated.

For more information on the JROTC program at AFHS, visit