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Williston approves initial reading of 10-year comprehensive plan


The Town of Williston approved the first reading of a comprehensive 10-year plan at their April 8 council meeting.

Eric Carrier from the Lower Savannah Council of Governments (LSCOG) presented the plan to the council. According to Carrier, these local government plans are required in order to create or update zoning ordinances and apply for grant funding.

State law determines the ten elements required to be included in municipal plans: population, economic development, natural resources, cultural and historic resources, community facilities, housing, land use, transportation, priority investment, and resilience.

The council approved the first reading of this plan by title only. It will be up for a second reading at the May 13 meeting, followed by a third reading in June. Once fully approved, the entire document will be available on the town’s website.

Council members were encouraged by administration to look through the plan thoroughly as it will not be adopted again for another decade.

The town also recognized The People-Sentinel journalist and Williston resident Alexandra Whitbeck for being named the 2023 S.C. Press Association Weekly Journalist of the Year. Whitbeck was presented with a plaque and kind words from the council and administration.

Administrator’s Report:

● Administrator Michael Beasley informed council the contractual process with the county’s new EMS provider AmeriPro EMS is underway. The new provider moved into the town’s facility on April 1.

● The current budget is roughly 75 percent used, leaving the town “right on target,” according to Beasley. Councilmembers are asked to attend one of three upcoming budget workshops to look over the budget more in depth. According to Beasley, in the process of creating the next fiscal year’s budget, council’s goal is to create a budget where fees for citizens will not be reflective of increasing fees for the town.

● 121 children signed up to participate in the town’s recreational baseball/softball program. “We’ve gone from not having a softball team for years to now we have so many girls sign up we have two teams,” said Councilwoman Alyson Collins.

● Fences will soon be going up at Academy Street Park. Playground equipment will be finalized soon and installed at the town park. These projects are funded by a previous Parks, Recreation And Development grant for $66,000 secured by the town.

● One of the five purchased fire hydrants have been installed. Plans are being made to purchase more at the end of the budget cycle to have spares in case of damage or emergency.

● Residents informed the council of issues on Holmes Lane at a prior meeting which Beasley has since addressed. Issues include diseased trees, road repairs, and lack of lighting. Beasley stated he has had conversations with county and state officials regarding the trees and road, and with Dominion Energy to install streetlights.

● The town received a notice to proceed on their filtration system project funded by the S.C. Infrastructure Investment Program (SCIIP) and Community Development Block Grants (CDBG).

Other updates:

● The council approved the Eta Gamma Sigma Chapter meeting from 10 a.m. to 2 p.m. on April 20.

● The town was contacted by the S.C. Department of Natural Resources to hold their annual ‘Hooked on Fishing, Not on Drugs’ fishing rodeo in Williston Town Park on May 4 from 9 a.m. to 11 a.m. Must be 13 years or older to fish.