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Vacuums vandalized at Bi-Rite

Four machines damaged and coins stolen at convenience store


Vacuum machines at the Patterson Street Bi-Rite in Barnwell are currently closed after over $12,000 of damage was done in a July 11 larceny. 

Barnwell Police Department (BPD) officers arrived at the gas and convenience store at 9:31 am on July 12 after employees were notified by a customer the machines were broken. 

Over $12,000 in damage was done to vacuum machines on July 11
Over $12,000 in damage was done to vacuum machines on July 11

Officers observed “four vacuum machines that were broken into along with the cover of the coin slots removed with nothing but wires from the vacuum machine showing and holding the covers,” states the incident report. 

The tool used to vandalize the machine is still unknown, according to the report. 

In a search of surveillance footage, BPD officers found the crime was committed around 11:30 p.m. on July 11. The footage showed a silver Jeep Liberty on the property and one subject wearing a white T-shirt and dark pants breaking into machines, according to the report. 

The estimated value to replace the machines is $12,000, and approximately $400 in coins were removed. 

“The actual cost is unknown and actual money taken from the machines is an estimate,” states the report. “It would be unknown as to how much money was taken from the machines.”

An arrest has yet to be made and the case is still active and ongoing. Anyone with information should contact the Barnwell Police Department and Lieutenant Dennis Boots at (803) 259-1838