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Three candidates vie for one open seat on Snelling Town Council


Robert “Bobby” Morris served as a Snelling town councilman for 45 years, from 1978 until his death in December 2023. On Tuesday, April 2, a special election will be held to fill his vacant seat.

Read about the three candidates below.

Janet Creighton

Janet Creighton is running for the seat previously held by her father, Bobby Morris.

She decided to run because he said it would “make him very happy” for her or her brother, Neal Morris, to continue what he started. Since Neal is the town’s fire chief, Creighton decided to file.

“I loved watching him do what he did through the years. I love our little community and I want the best for it. I want to make sure our town continues to be as safe and productive as possible,” said Creighton.

In addition to safety, she wants to support the fire service, if elected. The Snelling Fire Department is special to her family because her father helped organize the department in 1978 and was chief from 1978 to 2023. Her brother is now chief.

Creighton also wants to ensure the town’s amenities and services are kept up, such as the town park, which is enjoyed by residents and visitors, she said.

When asked what makes her the best candidate, Creighton cited her love for the town, her community involvement, and her banking career.

“I have a concern and care for the people of the town. My training in the finance world will help as well,” she said.

She worked for 47 years in banking. She started in 1975 with Palmetto Federal in Barnwell, which later became Regions Bank. She retired in 2023.

She previously served on the United Way, Cancer Society, Rotary Club, Generations Unlimited, and Chamber boards. She is a member of Seven Pines Baptist Church.

“Being on the GU board so many years, I understand grants and programs, including how they work and how they have to be handled,” she said.

Living in Snelling most of her life, Creighton loves the small-town atmosphere and the friendly, caring people.

“I love being able to call on a neighbor anytime and not have to worry about someone being able to help you. This community just works together. I personally wouldn’t want to live anywhere else,” she said.

She has three children – Monica, Heather and Thomas – and four grandchildren.

Josh Croft

Josh Croft decided to run for council to become more involved in the town.

“I want to see the town continue to thrive for the benefit of all of the current citizens and future generation of citizens,” said Croft, 42.

Croft is employed by the Savannah River Site. He has served on the Snelling Fire Department 16 years.

“I feel I am the best candidate as I am family-oriented and know what families need in order to have a successful community,” he said.

If elected, he wants to become more involved in the community. He also wants “to know what our community needs in order to thrive, and to help push those needs forward.”

He and his wife Brandi have lived in Snelling for 22 years. They have two children, ages 19 and 16.

“I love our town as it is a small community, with neighbors who care about each other, and are there to help one another,” said Croft.

Tim Gable

Tim Gable is running for council due to a “desire to continue the good work of the town government.”

“I believe I can best serve the town because of my professional experiences, my education and my knowledge of the town itself. I have time to devote to council work. I personally know the mayor, all the council members and the employees of the town,” he said.

The retired pharmacist believes his personal experiences make him an “ideal candidate”. He co-owned and operated Daniels' Pharmacy in Blackville and Barnwell for more than 30 years. He served on various boards and committees in Barnwell County. He is a graduate of Barnwell High. He’s an active member of Seven Pines Baptist and serves on the board of trustees of the Baptist Foundation of S.C.

If elected, he wants to continue the “exemplary work town government has done for years. I would like for Snelling to continue to be a safe, desirable, and enjoyable place to live. I would strive to maintain co-operation with Barnwell County government, especially close co-operation with Sheriff Griffith's office. I would work to continue the excellent fire protection services available in Snelling; to maintain our beautiful town park which provides free family-oriented recreation; to focus on other municipal services such as good street lighting, security cameras to protect the town and its citizens; and to continue to provide good, responsive services to the residents,” Gable said.

Snelling has been his home for more than 30 years.

“The town has enjoyed financial and economic stability over the years. I hope to be able to do my part to continue that trend. As a council member, I would like to know that Snelling would be a great place to live for many years to come. My daily goal would be to treat the town, its residents and the town's business as if my grandsons were coming back here to live and rear their families,” he said.

He and his wife, Dale Moore Gable, have two children, William and Mary Katherine, who now live in the Columbia area. They have two grandsons who come to visit often and love coming to Snelling.