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South Carolina Farm Bureau women celebrate ladies and leadership


Allendale County residents Angel Brabham, Beverly Allen, Jordan Allen, and Dianne Duncan joined more than 100 women from across the state in Georgetown, October 2-4, for the South Carolina Farm Bureau Federation’s annual Women’s Leadership Conference. The group of women participated in workshops that highlighted Ag in the Classroom programs, offered personal development, and provided tools to promote agriculture in their counties.

The program opened with keynote speaker Kalena Bruce, a farm mom, former American Farm Bureau Young Farmer and Rancher committee chair and a CPA. Bruce recently ran for the United States House of Representatives, and she shared her story of volunteer leadership and inspired attendees to be advocates for agriculture. Following the keynote speaker, attendees heard from four county Women’s Committee chairs as they shared insight into their success with their local programs.

New this year, two tracks were offered so the women could personalize their conference experience. The Agricultural Literacy track focused on Ag in the Classroom programs and resources while the Agribusiness and Advocacy track gave attendees tools for growing their business and being successful advocates for agriculture. The conference concluded with a tour of the area, including stops at Brookgreen Gardens and Hobcaw Barony.

Farm Bureau Women at county, state and national levels coordinate agricultural education and promotional activities. Their work includes supporting important legislation for family farmers, youth programs, educational activities, leadership development and commodity promotions.

“Farm Bureau women work hard to advance agriculture in South Carolina,” said Agricultural Literacy and Women’s Program director, Elizabeth Wood. “Their knowledge of and interest in family farms contributes so much to the organization, as they work for the future success of agriculture in our state.”

The SCFB Women’s Leadership Program works through the organization’s volunteers to tell the farm story through education and advocacy with children and youth. The SCFB Women’s Leadership program is one of many purpose activities sponsored by the South Carolina Farm Bureau Federation.

South Carolina Farm Bureau is a grassroots, non-profit organization that celebrates and supports family farmers, locally grown food and our rural lands through legislative advocacy, education and community outreach. The organization, founded in 1944, serves nearly 90,000 member families in 47 chapters. For more information, please visit