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Reminder of September 11 impact on Americans


Dear Editor,

I am writing to share my thoughts on the 9/11 memorial article I read on your website. While the article refers to that day as "infamous" and mentions the "tragic events," it omits information needed to understand what happened. Without details, younger generations may not grasp the magnitude of the attack and its lasting impact on our country.

On September 11, 2001, a total of 2,977 people lost their lives when terrorists motivated by extremist Islamic ideology hijacked airplanes and crashed them into key landmarks in the United States. Of those, 2,753 individuals died at the World Trade Center and the surrounding area in New York City, 184 people were killed at the Pentagon in Washington, D.C., and 40 passengers and crew members on United Flight 93 lost their lives when their plane crashed in an open field in Somerset County, Pennsylvania. Among the victims were civilians, first responders, and the passengers and crew aboard the planes. The 19 hijackers also perished in the attacks.

It is important that we remember and convey the details of that day, so those who do not remember it can understand its significance, learn from it, and help to prevent such tragedies in the future.

Best regards, 
James H. Lockwood III,