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Organization increases food access in Allendale


Representatives of area organizations supporting food resources came together Monday, January 24 at Emma’s House in Allendale.

The participants are part of the Allendale chapter of Wholespire, formerly Eat Smart, Move More. Wholespire is an organization which provides “communities with proven and sustainable approaches that lead to increased access to healthy choices for all people.”

“We want informed influencers and empowered communities who work together to ensure an equitable South Carolina, where everyone has access to healthy choices,” states their website.

Those attending included Chairwoman Lottie M. Lewis of Allendale Enterprise, Shelley Thomas of Healthy Learners, Angela Rainwater of Growers for Grace, Madie Orage-Green of S.C. Dept. of Health and Environmental Control, Genita Green of Wholespire (Community Engagement Coordinator), Jessica Morrison of Clemson Rural Health (Orangeburg), Courtney Watson of SC Office of Rural Health, Yokina K. Williams of S.C. Dept. of Mental Health, Phil Dickinson of Allendale Enterprise, Erica Robinson of Clemson University Extension, Dawn Snead of Barnwell Farmers Market, and Bob Snead of Southern Palmetto Regional Chamber of Commerce.

“Let’s welcome 2024 by embracing and celebrating the whole person,” said Lewis.

The group discussed plans for the Allendale Farmers Market, nutrition and cooking classes for youth, support for l­ocal food resources. They also discussed efforts to coor­dinate with Allendale County Schools, area farmers and the Town of Allendale.