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No attendance at Barnwell community needs meeting leaves hope for Allendale and Bamberg counties


The Lower Savannah Council of Governments (LSCOG) held their annual Needs Assessment for the six counties in the region to discuss issues community members want to prioritize. However, no one showed up to share their ideas at Barnwell County’s event.

The Barnwell County Council Chambers were vacant on Tuesday, January 17 aside from LSCOG Community & Economic Development Projects Manager Brooke Morris, Clerk to Council and Administrative Assistant Martha Thompson, and The People-Sentinel.

“The LSCOG conducts annual needs assessment for each of the six counties in the region as a requirement of the South Carolina Community Development Block Grant (CDBG) Program. CDBG provides grants to eligible non-entitlement local governments for a variety of projects. The purpose of the needs assessment is to seek citizen input on community needs and prioritize those needs,” said Morris.

Morris was prepared to hold a forum allowing citizens to voice their concerns on housing, public safety, infrastructure, public facilities, economic development, workforce development, and neighborhood revitalization.

“The lack of attendance at these events does not prevent the LSCOG from helping the community, but it does prevent us from having in-person interaction with the community and prioritizing future projects based on input gathered directly from the citizens,” said Morris.

Each of these areas can be further addressed by LSCOG, but they need input on where to start. Last year three of these areas were identified in Barnwell County– workforce development, infrastructure, and economic development. Morris noted these same areas of community concern for 2023 due to the lack of attendance.

Although Barnwell County residents missed the chance to share ways LSCOG can help their community, Allendale and Bamberg county residents still have an opportunity to do so in person.

LSCOG will be visiting Allendale County residents tentatively on February 7 at a location still to be determined.

Bamberg County residents will have a chance to have their voices heard on January 24 at 5:30pm at the County Council Chambers located at 2959 Main Highway, Bamberg.

LSCOG has created an online survey to generate more input from the community. All citizens in the Lower Savannah region are encouraged to participate. To view the survey, visit