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Letter: Blackville resident says central location for new high school ensures "fairness and equity"


Dear Editor,
The new consolidated high school should be built in a centralized location, not in Barnwell, Blackville, or Williston—even though Blackville has enough school district property to build the new school without purchasing more land. We all know that would never happen; however, land can be acquired for the new high school. I am certain additional time would be provided, if necessary, to acquire the property and go from there.
A centralized location was determined to be the best option decades ago when the Career Center was built in anticipation of a new high school being built nearby. The best option remains a centralized location to ensure that all the students will be able to feel they are just as important as all the rest of the student body. That is the only option that can ensure fairness and equity.
Kathy Orr,