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Letter: Barnwell pastor opposes Oklahoma’s Bible mandate in schools


Dear Editor,
It may surprise many, but I do not support the Bible mandated in the Oklahoma education system.
Who will be teaching these classes, what curriculum will be approved and how will fidelity to biblical truth be assured? Spiritual discipline was given to the local church in the New Testament (Matthew 18:15ff) and civil discipline to the civil government (Romans 13).
What needs to happen in Oklahoma (and everywhere in the USA) is that fathers of families install into their normal routine devotional discipleship of their children while local churches return to in-depth biblical preaching and teaching rather than sensational ministry programs meant to allure the world to a soft gospel message.
Families make time for ‘travel ball’ in this intensively busy lifestyle. Are you making time to ensure your children are learning biblical truth? Are you an accountable ­member of a local church where biblical discipleship is equipping you to teach your children truth?
Modern Christianity views church as a pep rally where you show up for a ‘Jesus fix’ that you expect to pump you up for the week. If God is so simple that you don’t need to study who He is, we don’t need a Bible that takes a lifetime to study Him. Ask yourself, “When will I know everything I need to know about God?” The answer helps you understand how much time you need to be engaged in discipleship every week.
It is not the government’s responsibility to ensure your children know who God is. It is your responsibility. If you give that responsibility to the government, the government will teach the god they want your children to know.
Rev. Joe Wilburn,
Pastor of Ashleigh Baptist
Church in Barnwell