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How to cook a turkey (as told by 2nd & 3rd graders)


Barnwell Primary School

As told by second and third graders


First get a turkey. Next put the turkey in the pan then put turkey in the oven and set 300°F or 400°F. Finally put sauce or seasoning. 

Markell Crews


First you need to buy it. Next you put it in a pan. Then you set the oven to 400°F 4 hours. Finally sauce seasoning. 

Mary Chilton Alexander 


First buy a turkey put it in the pan. Next put some sauce. Then put it in the oven. Finally 300°F 400°F 2 to 4 hours. 



First I will hunt the turkey. Next I will cut the turkey fethers off him. Then I will put the turkey in the oven. Finally I will eat it.

Tres Corder


First buy it. Next put it on a pan. Then put it in the oven in beetween 300°F 400°F for about 3 hours. Finally take it out and eat it.

Tyner Reece


First put the turkey on a pan. Next put a seasoning. Then put turkey in the oven. Finally put 300°F and 2 hours. 

Avery Jones


First get out a pan. Next put seasoning on the turkey then put the turkey in the oven and saet it for 300°F. Finally take out the turkey out of the oven. Last eat the turkey. 

Houston Robinson 


First you bey the terkey. Then you season the terkey. Next you put it in the oven for 4 hours. Then you eat it.

Ja’Meelah Payne


First you find a pand. Next you get a turkey. Then you put the sauce own the turkey. Finally you put the turkey into the mikeurwave oven for 300°F for hours. 

Grant Wier


First you need to put the seasoning on the turkey. Next you need to put it in a pan to put it in the ovon to 341°F for 3 hours. Then you will take it out of the ovon. Last you will make the stufing. After that you will eat it!

Adalynn Grady


First you have to put the turkey on a pan. Next you neeb to put the turkey in the oven for 360°F. Then you neeb to tak the turkey out the oven. Finally you can eat it now.

Tasha Hammond


First you buy a turkey. Next you get a pan and put seasoning on the turkey. Then you put it in the oven put it on 300°F for 3 hours. Finally you take it out the oven and you eat it.

Alyssa Galarza


This is how to cook a turkey for Thanksgivig. First, you need to go buy a tur from IGA. Next you to put salt on the turkey. Then you put the turkey in the oven at 350°. Last, I will take it out the oven. 

Sawyer Altman


First you need to go buy a turkey from IGA. Next unwrap your turkey and season it. You need pepper and rosemeary. Then preheat the fryer to 35°. Cook the turkey for about 1 hour. Last, you take the turkey out of the ove and eat it. 

Emaleigh Owens


This is how to cook a turkey for Thanksgiving. First you need to buy a turkey. I will buy my turkey from IGA. Next, unwrap your turkey and season it. You need to put gummy bears and gum. Then preheat the fryer to 354°. Last, take the turkey out of the fryer and let it cool. Happy Thanksgiving.

Maddy Liddle


This is how to cook a turkey for Thanksgiveing. First you need to go buy a turkey. I will buy my turkey from IGA. Next, unwrap your turkey and season it. You need to put salt, pepper, and ranch on it. Then preheat the oven to 350° for 2 hours in the oven. Last take it out. You and your family can eat it with other food. Happy Thanksgiving!

Josiah Meadow


You need to go buy a turkey. You can buy a turkey from IGA. Put two peppers on the turkey. Preheat fryer to 350°. Cook for 2 hours. Then cot the turkey. You can give some to other people. Happy Thankiving!

Brandon H.


This is how to cook a turkey. You need to go buy a turkey. I’ll buy my turkey from IGA. Unwrap your turkey and season it. You need to put salt, pepper and vegies. Then preheat the fryer to 351°. I’ll cook the turkey for 3 hours in the fryer. Take the turkey out the oven and let it cool down then you can eat it. Happy Thanksgiving!

Anasia Badger


Buy a turkey at IGA. You need to let it unthaw. Season it with salt, oil and pepper. Then preheat the fryer to 350° and cook it for 20 hours. Last take the turkey out. Let it cool cut it up and put it on plates. Happy Thanksgiving.

Camden Woods


First, you need to go buy a turkey. I will buy my turkey from IGA. Next, unwrap your turkey and season it. You need to put salt, pepper, and marshmellows. Then, you cook it for 2 hours. You cook it at 351° degrees. Last you take it out of the oven. Now you eat it. Happy Thanksgiving.

Austin Bowers


First you got to the store and buy the ingreateints. And next you have to put anything that you always put on a turkey. Then put it in the oven. And then take the turkey out of the oven and try not to bern turkey because turkey is good on Thanksgiving. And at least you can eat the turkey.

Brienne Randall


Find a turkey then put it in the oven. And then take it out the oven. And then put sause on it. And then cut it. Then put it on a plate. Then put it on the table. Then put topings on it. Last set the turk on the table. Last but not least eat. 

Ava Thompson


I will go and hunt a turkey. When I get back I will bake it for 1 hour. Then I will wait until it is done. Finally I will take it out the oven and carve the turkey. 



First you take the turkey out the fridge, then you take it out the pack then you rinse the turkey with water. Next you season the turkey, then you put it in a baking pan. Set your oven to 350 degrees cook for 3-4 hours. Then you take it out and serve. 

Nehemiah R.


First, I would buy a turkey. Then, I would season the turkey and put it in a pan. Next, I would put it in the oven for 30 minutes. When it is done I would take it out the oven and carve it. 



13 minutes of cooking time for each pound of turkey if roasting empty and 15 minutes per pound if stuffed. After putting the turkey into the oven, the turkey is done when it registers a minimum of 165° in the thickest part of the thigh. Rest the turkey for at least 15 minutes before carving. 



First get a turkey at the store. Then get a pan. Then spray baking oil on the pan. Then defrost the turkey. Last cook the turkey.



I will kill my turkey. Then I will take it home and clean it. Next I will get the meat. Then I will put hotsauce on it. Last I will gill it for 4 hours. 



I will hunt my turkey in the forest and when I’m done I will clean it. I will put salt and pepper on it. I will put it on the grill for 18 minutes. 



I will buy from the store and take it home and clean it. I will add sauce and I will cook it in the fryer. I will cook it for 30 minutes. 



I will buy it. I will cleotn it. I will put slap your mama sauce and pepper on it. I will fry my turkey for 24 minutes. 



First I will buy the turkey from the store. Then I will clean it. Then season it with Slap Your Mom hot sauce, black pepper, and salt. Then put onions inside of it. Then fry it for 1 half hour and 3 minutes with oil. Then I’ll take it out cut it in half and then put it on a plate and eat it and enjoy it too.



I will hunt and kill a turkey. I will take it home and clean it too. I will put sauce on it and put it on the grill. 



We will buy it from the store and clean it. I will put salt and celery. I will cook it in the oven. I will cook it 24 hours. Take it out and eat it.



I will buy my turkey from the store. I will take it home. My mom will cook a turkey. I will put suce on it. I will cook for an hour. I will cook it on a fryer. 



I will buy my turkey from the store. I will take it home and clean it. I will put it in the crockpot. I will cook it for forty seconds. Take it out and cut it up.



I will buy my turkey from the store. I will take it home and clean it. 

  1. I will salt and pepper.

  2. I will cook it in the oven.

  3. I will cook it 3 hours.

  4. Take out cut up eat it.



I will go to IGA and buy it. When I get home I’m going to clean. I’m going to put salt and pepper and slap yo mama sauce and cook it for one hour on the grill. 



I will hunt and kill it. I will clean it. I will seasoning it with pepper. I will cook it on a grill. I will cook it for 48 minutes. 



This is how to cook turkey. First put on the seasoning. Next you pohr the liquid in the pan. Put it in the oven for 6 minutes. Last take it out and eat it. 

Caden Holmes


This is how I cook a turkey. First I go to the store and buy a turkey. Next I open it cut the turkey open and tak out the bones. Then I cook it in the oven for one hour. Last I put salt on it. Yum I love turkey. 

Ansley Kate Stanfield


Cooking a turkey is eszy. First I will get garlic and papper and bin I will get turkey. I will untoll with hot water this I put it in a big pot. Next I will cook it to two minutes. Then I will let it cool down for a bit. Last and cook all the food. 

Donald Randall


This is how to make a turkey. First, go hunting for a turkey that is just right then go shopping at the store. Next, put it on an hour and 2 minutes but don’t put it on just yet. Put some water then put your other cooking then make shore your turkey don’t burn. Last, put your ingredients. Last you check on your other food. Now you may eat. 

Tarell Glover


Making a turkey is eazy to make. First, I will by a turkey and take it home and take it out of the bag. Next I will get a big pot of hot water and put the turkey in it. Then I put it on 10 minutes and salt and pepper and garlic on it. Last, I eat the turkey and it taste yummy. After we eat it all we get cake. 

Lauren Brown


This is how to make a turkey. First get the turkey wet it put it in the oven. Next put it on 15 seconds. Then let it cool add perrp and salt and eat it yum. 

Ava Thompson


This is haol to make a turkey. First buy a turkey. Next take it out of the bag. Then put it on the gril and gril for 8 minits. Last take it of the grill. Yumy. 

Kori Tharin


This is how I cook a turkey, follow along. First go hunting. Next put it on the grill. Cook it for 5 mintens and don’t forget the oil. Then take it out. Last get the rest of the food then tast it. When it’s good invit people. Then you will have a feast. Thank you. 

Luke Towne


Once you get the turkey put some secining on it any kind. Then put it in the oven I say for 30 min. After cut it up for everyone. Happy Thanksgiving. 



Get the turkey put the salt and peper on the turkey open the turkey to put in the eggs. Then put in the turkey for 20 min then you may eat your turkey. 



First, you need to get a turkey. Next you to put dressing on it. Then you cook it. After that you can get it out. Finially you can eat it with family or friends. 



This is how to cook a turkey. You go to a nerby turkey farm and you get a turkey and if the turkey runs away you will have to chach the turkey and when you’ve got it you will take it home and you will play with the turkey with yor old toys and you will cook it. 



First, I go to the store and get the turkey. Next, you get a pan and put the turkey in the pan. Then, you can cook the turkey. Then can take the turkey out of the pan and put some sening on it. Last, you can eat. 



First you put the turkey in the sink. Wait 1 or 2 hours then seaisen the turkey then put the turkey in the oven then wait 2 hours. Then take it out. It is all ready.



First, you have to find a turkey. If you see one kill it. Next, wash the turkey and have it in front of you with no fethers. Then, seasen it and put it in the grill. Last, if it’s done you can eat it. Tast good in my beley.



First, you have to put a trap for the turkey. Next you’ll have to hide befor it see you then you will have to kill it ones it is in your trap. Last when you kill the turkey you will have to put seson on it and put salt and peper and put it in the oven for 5 minnints then take it out of the oven. 



First you have to get the turkey and put on your taabl. Next you have to cook it. Then you have to take it out. Last you have a turkey. Now you can eat. The turkey is so good. I make a good turkey.



First, you have to buy it. Next, you have to clean it and put it in the oven. Then, you season it. Last, you have to take it off the oven or grill and then you can finally eat.



First i will buy the turkey. Next i will cook the turkey. Then i will make sure the turkey is not burnt. And if it is not burnt i will eat it all up. 

Kyla Rose Sparrow


First, I will shoot a turkey. Next, I will seson the turkey. Then, I will cook the turkey in the oven. Last, I will eat the turkey. 

Heidi Baker


I will go dress as a turkey in next i will cook the turkey in then i will make feast last i will eat the turkey

Kingston Rivers


I will put the turkey in the oill. I stir the turkey. I will take the turkey out. I will eat my turkey. 

Corbin Schumpert


First, me and my dad will go to the store and buy us a turkey. Next, we will go home and put the turkey in the air fryer and let the air fryer cook the turkey. Then, me and my dad will put sesening on the turkey. Last, we will invite people the house to eat with us and to play with.

Shelby Woodruff


First, go to the store and buy the turkey. Next, put the turkey on a tray. Then, seasin it. Last, cook the turkey for 53m.

Christian Cook


First, I will catch a turkey. Next, I will git a pot and pit the turkey in side it then git lettis and tmatos. Last, cook the turkey. 

Nalaj Durdar


First, I will buy all ingredned. Next, I will put the ingredend on the stove. Then, I will cook the turkey. Last, we feast. 

Nehemiah Altman


Jefferson Davis Academy

As told by third graders.


This is how I would cook a turkey. First I would go to Wallmart and buy a turkey. Next I would butter it and put it in the oven. Then I would set a timer for 3 hours. After that I would take it out of the over. Finally I would slice it and put it on a plate. Happy Thanksgiving!

Alice J. Crouch


This is how I would cook a turkey. First seasoned the turkey. Next put the turkey in the oven. Then put a timer on for 2 hours. Finally eat a good turkey.

Mason Trimble


First I will go kill a turkey with my bebe gun. Then I will tell my dad. Next we will cook it on 1,000 degrees on the grill. Finally, I will take it off and eat it. 



This is how I would cook a turkey. First I would put seasoning, onions, and salt and pepper. Next I would put it in the oven. Then take it of the oven. Finally eat it. 

Axel Myers


First I will season the turkey. Then I will put it on the grill at 350 degrees. Then wait an hour. Next put a tad bit more seasoning. 

Mason Lancaster


This is how I would cook a turkey. First I would thaw it out. Next I would put seasoning on it. Then I would put it in the oven and wait. Finally I would let it cool off and then eat some. 

Rylee Claire Darr


This is how I would cook a turkey. First, I buy a raw turkey. Next I will put the seasoning on it. Then I will grill the turkey. Finally I will eat it. 

Waylon Dandridge


First I would put it on a grill. Next I would put some salt on it. Then I would bring it in the house. After that I would let it cool off and finally I will eat it!

Gage Detrick


First, put the turkey in a over for 30 minutes. Next, take it out and put seasoning on it. Finally, cut the turkey and eat. 

Rutland Ott


This is how I would cook a turkey. First I would get the crockpot. Next I would put the turkey in the crockpot. Then I would season the turkey and wait for an hour. Finally take the turkey out the crockpot. 

Reid Sandifer


This is how I could cook a turkey. First I buy a turkey. Next I would stuff it and cook it. Then I would take it out. Finally I would eat it.

Annaleigh Kennedy


This is how I cook a turkey. First I will put it in the pot and put it on the grill. Next I will take the turkey off the grill and put salt and pepper on it. Then I am going to cut up and put it back on the grill and put bbq sauce. Finally, I will eat put it on a plate and eat it.

Dawson Stoudemier 


This is how I would cook a tucky. First I well put it in the oven for an hour. Next I would cut it up in pieces. Then I would put it on a plate. Finally my family and I well eat it.

Kassie Heatwole


First thaw the turkey. Next stuff it and season it. Then put it in the oven for fifty miuntes. Finally take it out and let it cool for five miuntes an carve it. 

Aliyah Dyches


This is how I would cook a turkey. First I would go to the store and buy a turkey. Next I would put it on a grill and it on about 215 degrees. Then wait for about an hour and 15 min. Finally take it out and put some seasoning on the turkey the enjoy. 

Kipper E. Polk


This is how I would cook a turkey. First I would hunt for a turkey. Next stuff it with stuffing and vegetables. Then put the turkey on a sheet pan and surround it with vegetables. Give it 35 minutes on two hundred degrees in the oven. Last put some salt and pepper on it. Enjoy it.

Cypress Churchwell


This is how I would cook a turkey. First go to the store to buy the turkey. Next take the turkey to your house. Then put some seasoming on the turkey. Then you put the turkey in the over for one hour. Finally you take it out the oven and eat it.

Sullivan Connelly


This is how I would cook a turkey. First I would thaw the turkey. Next I would stuff it. Then I would put it in the over on 30 degrees. Finally I will eat it with my family. 

Sailor Holden


First I would pick off of the turkey fethers. Next I would cook the turkey in the oven on 100 degres hot. Then I would carve the turkey. Finally I would serve the turkey with a side of mashed potatoes. 


Kelly Edwards Elementary School

As told by second and third graders. 


First get a turkey from the store. Then ingekt the turkey. With Seasonings. Then put the turkey in the oven. For 450° then put butter. Then put it back in the oven.



How to cook A Turkey

First, I will go to the store to get a turkey. I will thaw the turkey. I will clean the turkey. I will bake the turkey. I will enjoy.

Maria Hunt 


How to cook a turkey.

I go to the store and buy a turkey then I go home and put some seasonings then I bake the turkey I wait it comes out the you eat the turkey or save it I am going to eat it but you have your good yummy turkey for thanksgiving.



first I will clean my hands and take out the turkey and thraw it and dine I will put it in floor and dine I will put seasoning salt and black pepper on it and dine Put it in the fryer and dine I will eat it and dine clean the kitchen and dine popcorn and watch a movie and dine I will go asleep good night.

Zoey Greene 


I will go to the stor I will Buy the Turkey I will Buy the seasonings First I will take the turkey out of the freezer I will let it that out 2nd I will cook it on the geril I will put the soec salt and pepper.

Kevin Brabham Jr.


Fist take the turkey out of the rfigratner than thaw it than eat it now enjoy.

Trenton Kneece 


Place turkey in a baking Pan. Add diced carrots on ions garlic and oroinge Slices cover the turkey with grease Paper and then wrap with foil Bake for 2 ½ hrs at 350° Remove from oven



first wash the meat with lime or vinegar next rub Your dry seasoning on Your turkey pepper salt paprika thyme then use room temperature butter mixed with blended green seasonings to rub under the body of the meat let mariate for 20 mintis



First clean and wash your meat with lime or vinegar. Next, rub your dry seasoning on your turkey (pepper, salt, paprika, thyme). Then use room temperature butter mixed with blended green seasoning to rub under the skin of the turkey and all over the meat, let marjnaet for 20 minutes preheat the oven at 350° Place turkey in a baking pan, add diced carrots onions, garlic and orange slices. Cover the turkey with grease paper and then wrap with foil. Bake for 2 ½ hrs at 350°. Remove from oven. Let cool and garnish with parsley and dried orange peels.



First clean and wash your meat with lime or vinegar Next rub your dry seasoning on your turkey pepper salt paprika thyme use room temperature butter mixed rub under the skin of the turkey and all over the meat Let marinate for 20 minut Preheiat the the oven at 350 Place turkey in a baking pan Add diced carrots onions garlic an ogage slices cover the turkey with grease paper an then wrap with foil Bake for 2 ½ hrs at 350 Remove from oven Let cool and garnish with parsley an dried oraige peels



frist I buy my turkey then I take the turkey out the bag Next I wash my turkey Afrer that I cook it for 2 horus finlly pray to God then we say Amen then we eat my very good turkey.



First you get Your Ingredients. then you wash the turkey. Next you put Your Seasoning On the turkey. Then you fry the turkey. then It’s time to eat!



first put Your turkey in a pan then wash it third add vinger season then take it outside then you let it cook for a few minutes finally you take it inside then you and your family eat the turkey.

Tory Dunbar 


How to cook A turkey

First You have to wash a turkey. then You take heart out. then rub it make sure its food Next add food seasonin than Put it in the over than warm it uP. Take it cut and than your done.



First I would wash my turkey really good. Next I would get my seasnings. I would use lemon pepper, oranganiel garlic Powder, oion Powder. I would bake it insted of frying it I would put it on a flat pan. And put it in the oven for 3 hrs, I would know when it is done because it would Look crispy iand brown

Breian Leverette 


First You wash the turkey. Next you season the turkey. They you set the oven on 350°F. Last You set the oven for 10 minutes. Finally You Put the turkey in the oven. Last at least you close the oven and press START THE END.



first you have to go to the store and Buy a turkey. then wash it put some sause on it. affther that when your dion with the Sause Put it in a pan then put it in Stove put it in the Stove. I will Set a timer. When the timer is done. take it out of the Stove. And rap it up. wait in tell it’s done cooling of

Jada Coutier 


“How to make a Turkey”

First, clean the chicken and wash it. Then, get 4 Sauces and put it on the turkey. After, put it in the oven and put it on 450°. later, let it cook and wait. Finaly, put it on a plate and start to ejoy the turkey!

Imani Oneal 


First you will need a dead turkey, salt, pepper, and oil. Next you wash the turkey. Then you bake it for one hour. When it’s done the stove will beep. When it’s done it will look yummy! Last you and your party eat the turkey.

Sean Truitt 


Ingredents: a turkey, seasoning, vestabuls, and salt. First wash the turkey in the sink. Then add sarce and sesoning. After that stuff the turkey with the vestabuls. Finaly cook or bake Your turkey.



Step one: Buy a turkey from the store, and peheat the oven to 420° or 430°. Step two: Put seasoning or other suff you want on the turkey. Step three: Tent the seasoned bird with foil. Step four: Roast the turkey for two hours. Step five: Remove the foil and baste the bird. Step five: cook until the juice run clear when you cut between the leg and thigh and Enjoy Your turkey!



How to Cook a turkey

Buy a turkey or kill a turkey clean the turkey season the turkey Put it in the oven now you can eat the turkey. Happy Thankgiving.



This is how I cook my Turkey. So I let the turkey defrost, and then souck the turkey in ice. Then season the turkey with miss Dash, salt, peper, pork season, chicken boou, turkey powder, Slap yo mams season. That is all the seasonings. Now You cook the turky the heat is 335. Then You Put the turkey in the oven. While the turkey is in the oven I cut up vegtdubles. The vegtdubles are onion, pepers, carreats, leddeds, and then I add onion Powder and garlike Powder. on the vegies. Then the red thing dings and my mom takes the turkey out. then I stuff the vegtdubles in the turkey and spred Butter. that is how to cooke turkey. happy thanksgiveing

Chelsea Drayton 


First, buy the turkey from the store. Next, put it on a pan. Then, seeson it with some papreca, or something else but you just have seeson it. Don’t seeson it to much. Now, put it in the oven [temp 150] put it on for one, two, three, or four. After its cooked, you can put anything you want on the turkey.

Avery Washington 


First buy a nice turkey then your gonnua buy a nice turkey then your gonnan want to stuff your turkey if you want not forcing, then tent your turkey whith tin foil for 2 hours then remove the tin foil and baste the turkey and then cook it at 350° then cut between the leg and tigh and that’s all.



First sesin in the turkey. Then cook up to 30 or 40 minis. Then sesin with salt. Last injoy the turkey.



First, to make a turkey you put it on a pan and put seasons on it you can pick but i use prapreka. Next, put the tempature on 130. Then put it in the oven and cook for one or two hours. Finally, take it out and enjoy!



How to cook a turkey First you put salt on it next you put peareer finally you put vesicer on it Then. put it in The oven Then. You put it on The plaTe. You made a turkey.



  1. You get a turker from your local store

  2. Then you take it out the rappr.

  3. After you do that you unfrezze it for 30-50 minutes.

  4. Then you cook it for 13 at 350°.

  5. Then you take it out the oven.

  6. Then you put your favorit vegies.

  7. Last enjoy your turkey.

Clayton O’Neal 


  1. Buy it from the store or of you have creds.

  2. Wash it then seasons with black peper, salt, Old Bay.

  3. I like mine fried so dip it in cornflacke dip it two time.

  4. Put in the ovan for 3°40 or 3°50 to cook.

  5. Take it out fill the inside with your favartes suff.

  6. Put on the table.

  7. You are come to cut the tukey.

  8. NOW ENJOY!!

Braylon Jiles


First you gt to the stor to get a turkey. Next you wosh it with water. Then you seson it with your favrit sesnig After that you Put it in the oven an Broell it till 350° Then When it look’s golde-Brown that’s when you tak it out of the oven, Finally you cut it and enjoy it.


Macedonia Elementary-Middle School

As told by second and third grade students


Fist, you can out cut the turkey. Then, you can wash the turkey. Next, you can oil the tuey. Later, you can put in the oven. Last, you can eat the turey.

Karissa Pate


First cut off the feathers. Put it in a pan. Now put it in the oven. Put some gress on it. Now you have a good turkey.

Kylie Hammonds


First you take the feathers off.  Second you put four on it. Three you cuck the turkey. Four you out seasoning on it. Fith you tack it out of the oven. Six then you mack the vasthe for it. Seveth Then you cal your famley. Sher weth the pepo you love and osol your frans and your famley.

Aariel Cooks


You got to put grease over it.  Put it in the oven and cut it up.  Then you eat it. 

Kayshawn Malinder


First, cut it. Cook it two times. Last, eat it.

Aryan Patel


First cut the feathers off.  Then put it in a pan.  Next put it under the stove.  Last tack it out.  

LeBron Staley


First, you put it in the oven. Next you tack it out of the oven. Then, you cut the meat into pieces.  Last, you put flour on it and then you eat it.

Ranazmay Curtis


Fist you open the turkey. Nexst you are going to but it in the grease.  Last you cook the turkey.  That is how to cook a turkey.

Sean Goodwin


One you take the feathers off. Two you put flour on it. Three you cut it up. Four you put oil on it.  Five you put grease on it. Six you put it in the stove. Seven you check on it.  

Kirahyo McCreary


First you need to take the meat out the turkey. Then you need to put it in the oven and bake it. Last you need to take it out the oven and then you put it in pieces.

Jace Reed


Frist you put the flour on the chicken.  Then you put oil on the chicken.  Then you put in the oven.  Then you cut the meat in pieces.  Add seasoning.

Ashton Robinson


First you have to take off the feathers.  Then you are going to sesen your turkey.  Next you are going to put it in the oven.  Then you take it out.  Then you can add some peper and add some season.  Last, you eat it.  Now your all done.  Yeeeee eeee eeee eees!

Tamia Foust


First, you prep it. Next, you put it into the oven.  Then you take it out. Last, you eat.

Brandon Youmans


First I cook the turkey in the stove.  Then I put the oil in the oven to cook the meat.  Then you got to puted the meat on the oven about 3 minutes.

Imani Jones


Turkey is my favorite.  You put seasoning on turkey.  You put it 2 minutes.

Kayden Dyches


Put it in the oven.  Let it cook for ten hours.  Then you eat it.  

Serenity Smith


Let it thaw.  Preheat the oven. Put it the uvin. Set a timer.

Tristian Moore


You got to put seasoning on it.  Thin you got to put it in the oven. Thin you got to tack it out.

Hadley Durr


First, you cut the turkey/ you put grease on the turkey, thin, you put seasoning on the turkey. Thin you put the turkey in the oven for 2 hours.

Joslyn Hardin


First you need butter.  Then you need season.  Then you need to cover the butter on the turkey.  Then inject the turkey over night.  Then put it in the oven.  Then when it come out of the oven let it sit out for a second.  Then your turkey is done.

Kaylee Brown


Carrots and unyin and salre then you will put the turkey on the plate then you wash the turkey then you put it in the oven put some butter on put the seasonings then you port the gus then you put the ingredients Finally put in the oven that is how to make a turkey



First you put unyuns and cerits in a pot then you milt buter in a pan last you put your turkey in the mecowave for 2 hours.



Get onion. Cook turkey. Pat with paper towel. Butter, cut tale. Rost green.  Tiy the legs.  Pant turkey with buter.  Get salt and peper all over, cook, fulley, cut.



You got to take the little thing out the back.  You got to put it on three hundred and fivety.  Thin you put onions, garlic, bail, and the seasonings. Thin you put ingredient into the turkey.

S. Walker


First I will get some seasoning put it on the turkey, then clean it, put the onions get some garlic put it on, and it’s done put it in the oven for 2 hours.



You put it 350 the gress bake its out get get the buter orange limon  bake ingredients put some more buter rub it 



First put the turkey in a boll. You opne the Turkey put poipp, put all butter it. Cook in bubber and put it in not cook in a bag.  Then cook, it but put it on 2 hours. Now eat.  Went your family. Good Turkey.  Everyone like the turkey.  Your is going to said is good I said it good.



First prupare the stuf. Then you need two butter stiks and lus in the skin. The put the turkey in the frige and leave it over night.



First you get sum unges then you get buttre. Then sote and black pepre.  Then you stuff the unges.

Ayla Smith


First get a large pan get the turkey wash it get seasoning.  Get a pan on the pan put butter on for 1 minutes then put the butter on the turkey.  Put it in the oven wait for 3 hours.  Finally cut it.

Jesus Vasques


First, I will prepare the ingredients needed. Next, clean the turkey and stuff the ingredients needed.



First buy a turkey from the store TVS. Then take it home put the turkey in the fryer to cook for 5 to 10 min put flaver on it before you put it in the air fryer on 5 to 10 min then you take it out and injoy with your mom, dad, stser, bother.  Lastly you injoy it and it tase good because it is made with love.

Morgan Smith

First you buy the turkey. Take it home next you clean it Then you put it on 125 degrees Check on it every half and hour. After that season it lastly put it on the plate and wait unit everybody come to the house then say grace and eat.

Jayceon Barr


First, buy a turkey at Piggly Wiggly.  Next, take the turkey home.  After that take the turkey out the wrapping, then clean the turkey and season the turkey.  Lastly cook the turkey in the oven on 100 degree for four hours. Take the turkey out the oven, put it on the table and eat the turkey.

Taliyah Johnson


First you need to buy a turkey. Next you need to clean the turkey and you need to season the turkey.  After that you need to fry your turkey for 10 to 20 min on 100 degrees.  Then you need to take it out the grease and eat it. 

Zoey Burnette


First, go the store and buy a big turkey from walmart.  Next go home and take off the wrapper from the turkey.  After that clean it and season it and then put it in the oven for 125 degrees for an hour.  Lastly check it every half an hour and enjoy. 

Rose Robles


Firsts go to Wallmart and buy a turkey. Next bring it home wash ad season it. After that put filling in the turkey. Then let it cook on 250 for 30 minutes for 30 minutes or an hour.  Lastly take the turkey out and eat it !!!!!

Jace Bryant


First by a turkey from Piggly Wiggly. Next clean the turkey. After that season the turkey. Then put the turkey in the oven for four hours on 400 degrees.  Lastly eat and enjoy.

Ava Eady


First you go to the Store to get the turkey and buy it.  Then you wash the turkey.  And take the stuff out. Next, you cook it.  After that you can put veggies in the pan. Cook it for 1 more minute.  Last you take it out and smell it to see if it smell good.  Then eat it.

Tiana James


First, go to Warmart and buy a turkey. Next, go home and take off the wrapper. After that, clean up the turkey and season it.  Then, put the turkey in the oven for two hours. Lastly, open the oven a little bit then take it out. JOKE:  don’t buy a turkey it will jump out the cart.

Khilee Howze


First, you need to talk about if you are getting a small turkey or a big turkey. Next, you go to the store and buy the turkey you want.  After that you go unwrap it then you clean it you can put foods in the turkey.  Lastly, you can put it in the oven.  

Hailey Cuthbertson


First buy a turkey and clean the turkey. Next cook the turkey in the oven at 100 degrees for one hour.  Then take it out of the oven.  Lastly you and your family can eat the turkey.

Erian J


First wash your turkey and put all your ingredients in the turkey.  Next stuff it then put butter in the skin. Set it to five hundred for three hours and let it cook.  Then, when it is done, let it cool down.  Lastly, enjoy your turkey.

Khaleah Kearse


First, you have to buy the turkey.  Next you wash it well.  Then you season it, stuff it and cook it in the oven.  Later you eat it and go home.

Aariyanna Cooks


First, buy the turkey.  Next, was the turkey. Then, put potatoes and carrots inside the turkey.  Last cook the turkey at 300 degrees and 30 min then put spicy sauce on the turkey.

Angel Aung


First you need to buy a turkey and take it home and wash it good.  Next you season it and cook it on 200 for 2 hours.  Then you decorate it to make it look good and let your family know that dinner is ready, last bless it and have fun.

Peyton Isaac


First, buy the turkey and take it home.  Next, season the turkey and add more food with their turkey.  Then, put the turkey in the oven and cook it at 90 degrees for 1 hour.  Lastly enjoy your masterpieces and share with your family, friends and also the people you love.
