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District garden club meeting highlights endangered species, gardening, and community involvement


“Meet Me in the Garden” was the theme of the West Low Country District’s meeting held on March 21, 2024 at the Christian Activities Building of First Baptist Church in Williston.

Attendees gathered in beautifully crafted hats and pearls to learn about the endangered monarch butterfly, horticulture, and designs for flower shows. Host clubs for this event were Ivy Garden Club of Williston, Springfield Garden Club, Blackville Garden Club and Sandy Acres/Pine Needles Garden Club of Jackson.

Kelly Long, Garden Club of South Carolina Wildlife chairperson, provided an informative presentation about the benefits of the monarch butterfly and reasons for its decline. Long encouraged all attendees to plant milkweed to attract these beautiful insects and help them thrive throughout their lifecycle.

“Milkweed is the only plant that a monarch butterfly will lay its eggs on,” stated Long. She added that most milkweed flourishes near farmland pastures which is typically unbothered by people.

In fact, urbanization of farmlands is one of the leading causes for the decline of monarch butterflies. “When [people] come in and buy 60 acres of land and develop that [land], it destroys their habitat in the area,” said Long. Pesticides and predators that eat the caterpillars are other causes to the decline. She emphasized the need for individuals to plant milkweed in their yards and gardens.

Karen Oliver, Design Program chairman, along with Martha Wolf and Laura Carlton, shared about creative design and horticulture regarding flower shows. The next Small Standard Show, “Independence is in the Air”, will be held is Aiken on May 17-18, 2024 at the Aiken Historical Museum. There are five possible divisions of a flower show: horticulture, design, education, youth/sponsored groups, and botanical arts. Entries for this show will be accepted on Thursday, May 16 from 2 p.m. to 5 p.m., and Friday, May 17 from 7 a.m. to 9:30 a.m.

West Low Country District Director Kathy New chaired the meeting and presided over the awards. Many awards were given at the meeting. Clubs were awarded based on their inspirational community projects and involvement, as well as the size of their club in members.

The profit from Silent Auction baskets, White Elephant sales, and a raffle supported the West Low Country Award money and meeting.

The next West Low Country District meeting is scheduled for March 28, 2025 in Beaufort.

For more information about the Ivy Garden Club and upcoming events, join the public Facebook group “Ivy Garden Club of Williston, SC” or contact Secretary Sandra Ridgeway by emailing her at