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D45 working on budget, facility improvements


Barnwell District 45’s budget is projected to grow by more than $1.6 million.

The school board held two of the three required readings for next year’s budget at recent meetings on April 27 and May 11. The proposed budget is currently balanced at $22,813,696, which is roughly $1.6 million more than the 2022-23 year’s budget of $21,187,314.

The revenue side includes $5,047,200 from local sources, $11,877,943 for state aid to classrooms, $1,051,796 in other state funding, $3,180,310 in state revenue in lieu of taxes, and $1,656,447 in federal and other sources.

Salaries and benefits make up most expenditures at $20,111,339. This includes a step increase for all eligible employees, plus moving all working retirees from Step 14 to their appropriate step. There’s also a $2,500 increase per cell for certified positions and an increase for bus drivers. The budget also accounts for a 1 percent increase in the employer portion of retirement and a 3.7 percent increase in the employer portion for insurance. Other expenditures include $1,553,100 for purchased services and $1,149,257 for supplies.

The budget includes an allowable 8 percent increase in millage by eight mills. This will move the district to 224 mills. This does not affect owner-occupied homes.

“The increase will help ensure revenue flow and stabilize any shortfalls in state funding,” said Holly Hutto, chief financial officer for the district.

Final numbers could change as the district awaits state lawmakers to approve the state’s budget.

A third and final reading will be held in June.

FACILITIES: Progress continues on projects

The district is working on multiple facility improvements that are funded through ESSER funds – COVID relief money given to schools.

• A new HVAC system in the Barnwell Primary School (BPS) gymnasium should be completed by the end of May. Then they will move to Guinyard-Butler Middle School (GBMS).

• Work has begun on the GBMS fire alarm system, which includes stretching 34 miles of wire at GBMS and Barnwell High School (BHS).

• Project proposals for the windows and doors project is underway and the company installing the two playground shade structures at BPS are currently getting their licenses from the city.

• Renovation of the BPS picnic shelter is complete.

• The BPS auditorium is getting a facelift with new flooring installed outside on the large ramp, but they are working to replace the floors inside. Auditorium seats will be removed May 30 and new seats are set to be installed starting July 5.

• A new storage building is being installed at the baseball field. A team of parents are volunteering their time to convert the old concession area back into a space for concessions. The district is providing those materials and supplies.

• A new GBMS stage curtain is being finalized.

• New audio-visual equipment was installed at Barnwell Elementary School (BES) in the multipurpose room.

• Trees that are damaged or could damage buildings will be removed from the district office.

The district is working on several other projects with their engineering firm to gain approval through the state Office of School Facilities, such as a new intercom system at BPS and BHS, new bathrooms in the GBMS gym and main hallway, new bathrooms at the football stadium, and new flooring throughout GBMS.

PERSONNEL: Comings & Goings

As the school year winds down, it’s time for employees to sign contracts so the district can determine who is leaving, who is coming back, and what positions need to be filled for the 2023-24 school year.

Retirements: S. Garvin (BES speech) and J. Kinard (GBMS special services)

Separated/Resigned: Ashleigh Anderson (BPS teacher), Will Gee (BES teacher), Tiffany Zorn (BHS social studies), Kris Morris (BHS math), Ashleigh Frederick (BPS teacher), Adrianne Poe (BES teacher), Ashley Sandifer (BES teacher), I. Williams (BPS food service), D. Perry (BPS food service), L. Robinson (special services career specialist), Heath Corley (BHS teacher/coach), E. Thomas (GBMS science), Carolynn Fisher (BHS social studies), John Hilton (transportation supervisor)

New Hires: Marie Hallman (BHS social studies teacher), Brian Smith (varsity football coach), Czar Mendoza (GBMS science), Caroline Polston (BPS teacher), Cecile Price (GBMS guidance counselor), April Smith (BPS teacher), Christine Allen (BES teacher), Laney Bogard (speech teacher), Crystal Clayborn (GBMS ELA teacher), Taylor Clayborn (music and band), M. Miles (substitute teacher), D. Perry (substitute teacher), A. Padillo (GBMS social studies teacher), T. Washington (GBMS SPED teacher)

Retirees Returning to Work: George Snider (GBMS social studies), Stacy Garvin (BES speech), B. Glover (GBMS science), and Teresa Martin (BES 6th grade)

Following a closed session on May 11, the board voted to reverse a previous motion involving the termination of an employee. “I move that the board accept the superintendent’s request to withdraw her previous recommendation that Employee A be terminated from employment and accept Employee A’s request to withdraw her request for an evidentiary hearing based on the reasons that were provided in executive session,” according to the motion that was read by board member Felicia Devore and unanimously approved.