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Corder's Creative Corner: 'Glomora' character profiles from my new book


This week, I wanted to spend some time taking a look at some of the characters that will make an appearance in my upcoming book (tentatively titled Blackmane’s Chest). These characters are recurring and will show up in other stories. I’ve grown very close to them over the past few months, at least as close as you can grow to figments of your imagination.

1. Veran Bloodstalker:

Veran looked at ShadowWeep. The sword’s jewels glimmered like the stars above him. Watching him, staring into him. The sword was his past, present, and future, and the magic that it gave him was also a piece of him. The blade was woven into the very fabric of his soul.

Veran is no ordinary hero. He has a dark, sarcastic sense of humor—probably to help him cope with the burden that rests on his shoulders. Though he is a vampire hunter, he slays all manners of creatures that spring from the dark. He wields the magic sword ShadowWeep, a weapon possessed by two warring spirits that grant Veran powers. Veran Bloodstalker seeks redemption for a sinful past, as well as the redemption of others who have shared a similar fate to his own. He is the main character of many of my stories, including my book.

2. Mirius Morda:

Mirius shook his head. “Now’s not the time. It can wait. We’ll discuss it when we finish the job before us, just like old times. Velken mentioned that there might be some coin involved.”

“You’re probably thinking you’ll be entitled to some of the reward,” Veran said.

“Do dragons covet gold?”

“Yes, and apparently so do greedy elves.”

Mirius’s yellow eyes gleamed. “I’m not greedy. I just look for opportunity.”

Mirius is a shadúnae, or a dark elf. He’s a good friend of Veran and loves a good adventure—especially if there’s a monetary reward involved. He is a fantastic archer and very much a source of comedic relief in my stories. My stories wouldn’t be quite as interesting without him.

3. Teyla Bluewing:

Veran’s heart dropped. Stepping out of the brush was a beautiful woman dressed in blue robes. Her yellow hair hung to her shoulders, her eyes fixed on Veran with an unnerving gaze. She smiled that same smile that always left the vampire hunter confused and infatuated. He was lost in her crystal blue eyes, as if he were a bird wandering a clear, endless sky. Those eyes were always able to see into the deepest reaches of Veran’s soul, into depths he did not want anyone to fathom.

A talented and beautiful wizard, Teyla is more than just a friend to Veran. Though the two have feelings for each other, they also have lots of contention. Though she journeys with Veran on his adventurers, she was once a council member of the Pinnacle of High Magic in the Sun Court of Aurma. She is one of the strongest wizards in Glomora.

4. Velken Firegem:

Veran headed towards the staircase. Under it a dwarf sat at a table, a large battle-axe leaning on the wall next to him within easy reach. On hand was a tankard, unsurprisingly empty. The bald dwarf ran his fingers through his beard, such a bright red it was almost orange. He was staring hard at a piece of parchment in front of him. The sight made Veran smile.

Velken is a dwarf and bounty hunter, and another of Veran’s friends. Ergatha is the name of his axe, and he loves getting into a good fight, especially if it involves chopping off goblin heads. Though he plays a smaller role in my upcoming book, it’s possible there will be more stories with him featured.

I’m excited for you to read about these characters and my original fantasy world. In fact, on Friday, I’ll be dropping a short story on my blog called “Beyond Forever.” Though none of the characters above show up in this particular story, it is still set in my original fantasy setting of Glomora.

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