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Consolidated school board approves 5-year strategic plan


Barnwell County Consolidated School District (BCCSD) school board approved a five-year strategic plan and a slew of capital improvement projects at their Feb. 27 meeting.

Strategic Plan for 2023 - 2028

BCCSD Director of Curriculum and Instruction Debra McCord presented an overview of three major goals the district hopes to achieve by 2028. According to McCord, this strategic plan was drafted through input from committee meetings.

Each goal pertains to areas in the district that leadership feels could improve alongside action steps to get there. Schools will present their own strategic plans to the board at future meetings.

GOAL ONE: Student engagement

Within five years the district hopes…

Each school earned a South Carolina State Department of Education (SCDE) accountability rating of good or above. Charts included in the board member's packets details ways each school can advance over the five-year cycle.

Action steps: focusing on data to determine the individual needs of students, utilize well planned curriculum guides that align with state standards, ensure course work is offered for enrichment such as dual enrollment, and ensure there are quality math and reading programs in place that are monitored for fidelity.

GOAL TWO: School climate

Within five years the district hopes…

To see the district’s current 85 percent student and teacher satisfaction rate in the learning environment increase to 92 percent.

Action steps: offering family events regularly, increasing community partnerships, ensuring a range of communication strategies, and ensuring buildings are kept sanitized and clean.

GOAL THREE: Teacher and administration quality

Within five years the district hopes…

To increase the percentage of returning educators from the current 79 percent to a 95 percent return rate.

Action steps: continue collaborating with alternative pathways, obtain skilled educators, provide professional development opportunities for all staff, coach teachers to improve their effectiveness, hold quarterly administrative review meetings to discuss leadership progress, and ensure that the district is sending out information in a timely and accurate manner.

Capital Improvement Projects

Thirteen projects costing $1.8 million were outlined by BCCSD Finance Director Rose Anderson and then approved by the board.

An 8 percent sale of the 2023 spring bond will be used to fund these projects. Once the bond goes to market in mid to late May, the projects can begin.

At the meeting, board member Theresa Hughes asked Anderson, “Are the taxpayers going to have to approve the bond to be increased?”

“This is at a local school district approval, this is not a bond referendum, so this is approved by the board of trustees,” said Anderson.

This bond is levying 35 mills, which is the current rate for taxpayers.

“The 35 mills, that is currently what the taxpayers see at this point, so there will be no increase when this goes out on the next tax bill come October or November,” said Anderson.

“The amount was sized to not increase taxes above the current 35 mills,” said Anderson. “The district is using the SCAGO GO Bond program to keep our cost of issuance at a minimum. It has over 20 districts that participate in the pool financing structure every year. The bonds will be fully paid off on March 1, 2024, which keeps the total interest paid to a minimum. All dollars are for capital improvements,” said Anderson.

Improvements at Blackville-Hilda High School (BHHS) consist of renovating the stadium homeside concession stand and restrooms. The total cost of this renovation at BHHS is projected to be $370,500. According to Anderson, the school itself currently had a previous bond out to renovate the bleachers, which has been in progress.

BHHS and Macedonia Elementary-Middle School (MEMS) will receive updated media furniture for the media centers in both schools. The projected cost of this furniture is $18,000. This will be done in phases: tables and chairs will be replaced in phase one and phase two will add modern couch-like seating.

Other renovations at MEMS include replacing windows in the gym and media center, paving and repairing roads, a digital marquee, and new playground equipment including a border around the perimeter and mulch. The projected cost of these renovations are projected to be $76,000 for the gym windows, $5,000 for the media center windows, $100,000 for paving, $35,000 for the marquee, and playground equipment totaling $120,000 for both MEMS and Kelly Edwards Elementary School (KEES).

KEES will also receive updated playgrounds and undergo floor replacement due to previous damage caused by sewer issues. The projected cost for the floor replacement and correcting the damaged sewer line is $90,000.

The sewer issue has also damaged a nearby teacher’s restroom. Board member Ken Beatty asked Anderson if this was also in consideration to be repaired to which she confirmed.

At Williston-Elko High School (WEHS), exterior doors will be replaced. At Williston-Elko Middle School, canopies will be replaced and a fence will be installed to increase safety and security. The canopies are projected to cost $55,500 and $30,000 is allotted to install a fence.

Also, interactive televisions will be updated and installed district wide at a total cost of $80,000. The district currently has interactive televisions on a five-year cycle, and some are due for an update.

Fees, design, and construction management is projected to total $45,000. Anderson explained BCCSD will not be putting out a bid for this construction as the district has an internal contractor and architect that will take on the responsibility.

“Our current architect with the consolidated school district and our construction manager, they have a blanket contract with the school district to oversee our capital projects, so we do not have to put these out for bid,” said Anderson.