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Co-assistant principals named at Guinyard-Butler Middle School


Guinyard-Butler Middle School (GBMS) will have two new assistant principals when classes resume in August.

The school has not had a permanent assistant principal since Henrietta Williams was promoted from assistant principal to principal when Principal Michael Beasley moved to a district office job. Barnwell High Athletic Director Derek Youngblood temporarily filled in for the rest of the school year.

“Mr. Youngblood will continue as the athletic director for the 2023-2024 school year, which is an integral part of Barnwell High School. He has been working to hire the needed coaches and prepare schedules for the program. The district thanks him for serving in this additional capacity during the 2022-2023 school year,” said Superintendent Dr. Crissie Stapleton.

The middle school recently completed the application and interview process for the new assistant principal position.

“The GBMS principal and district office leadership, as well as the interview team composed of various stakeholders, have given great consideration to having an experienced assistant principal who is familiar with the staff and students to fill the vacant position. In considering the best plan moving forward, the middle school principal worked with the district office to determine a creative way to fill the position, while playing on the strengths of the strong candidates that were considered,” said Stapleton.

This resulted in two GBMS teachers, William Hammonds and Amanda “Mandy” Smith, being selected as part-time assistant principals. Each will teach two classes during the school day while adding on administrative duties.

“Both Mr. Hammonds and Mrs. Smith are dedicated, professional members of the Guinyard-Butler Middle School faculty and staff, and they will be assets to the administrative team. It will be an honor to collaborate with them to continue to provide opportunities for our students, so that they may have options for the future,” said Principal Williams.

Hammonds is a physical educator teacher and football/basketball coach. Additionally, he has completed additional training and certifications as an aspiring administrator. This is his first administrative role.

Smith was an English language arts educator and MTSS lead teacher during the 2022-2023 school year, and has eight years of administrative experience. She previously served as assistant principal at GBMS.

“Both Mr. Hammonds and Mrs. Smith are champions for Barnwell School District 45 students and families, and they will be wonderful additions to the administrative team at GBMS. Barnwell School District 45 looks forward to welcoming them both into their new roles, and we have no doubt they will positively impact both the staff and students at the middle school,” said Stapleton.

According to a press release, Hammonds and Smith are “teacher-leaders” at GBMS and have a “passion for helping students and assisting staff in providing the best possible environment and education for our middle school students.”

The new team of GBMS leaders are excited about this opportunity and look forward to the upcoming school year.