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City & county unite for potential kayak project


The City of Barnwell and Barnwell County are moving forward in a joint effort to bring a new recreational opportunity to Lake Edgar Brown.

Rent!Fun is a Michigan-based company focused on bringing self-service recreational activities and opportunities to municipalities and organizations across the country.

With an $18,000 one-time investment split evenly between the city and county, Rent!Fun would install a storage cage with four, 10-foot kayaks, paddles, and life vests at Kilkenny Park on Jackson Street for use on Lake Edgar Brown.

“We think it would provide a nice opportunity for residents of the city, and the county as well, to be able to come out and enjoy recreational opportunities,” said the City of Barnwell Parks and Recreation Director Kevin Roberts.

While this project is in the initial stages and no formal contract has been drawn, the Barnwell City Council unanimously approved moving forward at their April 1 meeting.

"Our lake is a valuable asset to our community offering endless opportunities for recreation and relaxation," said Hilary Hindman, Barnwell County Recreation Director. “Through this partnership, Barnwell County Recreation aims to enhance residents' quality of life by providing increased access to activities that promote health, well-being, and enjoyment of our natural surroundings.”

A kayak rental would cost $20 for two hours. Individuals ages 13 and over would be required to download the Rent!Fun app, connect a payment method, and scan the code on the storage cage. The door to the cage then opens and the individual can access the kayak, paddle, and vest.

Once the two-hour limit is over, the individual must take a picture of the equipment and upload it to the app to ensure it has been returned without major damage.

The $20 rental fee will be split between Rent!Fun ($10), the city ($5), and the county ($5).

“While there is not a large monetary return expected for the project, it would increase the use of Kilkenny Park and Lake Edgar Brown as well as increase tourism into the city and county of Barnwell,” said Roberts in a memo to council. “Patrons and visitors alike could enjoy this opportunity of kayaking without having to make a major investment.”

The county has assumed responsibility for installing a concrete pad for the kayak storage cage and a concrete ramp to access the lake.

This partnership with Rent!Fun would not require annual service fees or a staff member’s oversight, according to Roberts, and the company will handle routine maintenance and repairs on the equipment.

Rent!Fun also handles all of the liability – meaning the county or the city would not be at risk from an insurance standpoint in the event of an emergency or incident.

Lake Edgar Brown is owned by the S.C. Department of Natural Resources (DNR). Hindman has been in conversations with the state agency about the project, and received their blessing to move forward.

Both Roberts and Hindman are looking for grants to fund the initial investment.