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Cheryl Murdock earns award for being prevention professional


Cheryl Murdock received the Murray L. Vincent Outstanding Prevention Professional Award, which recognizes an individual who has significantly impacted adolescent pregnancy prevention in South Carolina.

This is the highest and most distinguished award given by the Fact Forward Agency. This award is given in honor of Dr. Murray L. Vincent who had a love and passion for the prevention field.

“She has demonstrated unparalleled dedication to her community. She plans several parent/child community events throughout the year. Cheryl saw the need for mentoring of youth in her community and formed The Sisterhood Girls four years ago (there has been a total of 18 served so far). Cheryl also holds several offices in her church as well, with one being youth advisor,” states a press release from the Axis I Center of Barnwell where Murdock has worked as a prevention specialist for the past eight years.

Murdock said she was “very surprised and honored to receive this award.” She said she doesn’t do her job to receive awards and accolades, but rather to make a difference.

“Many teens feel that they can't talk to their parents, so I try to be that trusted adult that's going to give them medically accurate information. My message will always be abstinence so they don't have to worry about pregnancy or diseases,” said Murdock, a prevention specialist at the Axis I Center of Barnwell.

Before joining the Axis I Center eight years ago, Murdock was a 4-year-old teacher assistant for six years and 3K teacher for 8 years.

“I love children and my community so I’ll always do what I can to help our youth. I love serving the youth in our community because most of them I have known since birth or from the time that they were three years old and came to me at Head Start. I still get to see them because I go to the middle and high schools in Barnwell County teaching Comprehensive Health,” she said.

The award was presented at the annual Summer Institute Conference in Charleston that's held for people who work in the prevention field or who work with youth in any capacity.