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Barnwell Ponytails bound for World Series after state championship win

12 girls and three coaches will head to Louisiana in July after beating Saluda and winning the district and state championships on June 16.


For the third year in a row, the Barnwell Ponytails All-Stars are headed to the World Series.

The team of 12 girls and three coaches will head to Louisiana in July after winning the district and state championships on June 16. They competed against Saluda, a team Barnwell has battled for the past three or four years.

The Barnwell Ponytails All-Stars celebrate their state championship win on June 16 after defeating Saluda.
The Barnwell Ponytails All-Stars celebrate their state championship win on June 16 after defeating Saluda.
“We are both really evenly matched and both very good softball teams,” said coach Brad Whitehead. Saluda is the team that Barnwell barely beat two years ago at the state championship in Iva.

However, Barnwell won that game – their first state championship – in 2022 with a score of 2-1.

The Barnwell Ponytails All-Stars hold their state championship trophy high in the air after the win.
The Barnwell Ponytails All-Stars hold their state championship trophy high in the air after the win.

Normally, 7-8 teams compete in the district, but Whitehead said the journey was shortened this year as the Diamond Youth Baseball organization adding a softball division caused some teams to leave the Dixie Youth Softball organization.

“Honestly this win feels more deserving than the others. With our pitching depth, we usually have an advantage in bigger tournaments, but with a two-team tournament against a really good Saluda team is a tough thing to do. We had to play our best softball. We had to combine some hits, throw the strikes when needed, and make the plays when it came to us,” said Whitehead.

Between the three games, the Barnwell Ponytails lost 1-0 in the first game, won the second game 7-6, and won the championship game 12-8. Games were played in Saluda.

“Neither team ever had a big lead. It was back and forth every inning of every game. Each girl came in the clutch when their name was called,” said Whitehead.

The 2024 Barnwell Ponytails team consists of Harper Still, Rekeya Roberts, Kensley Terrapin, Shalayah Badger, Genesis Walker, Sadie Whitehead, Mckaylee Padgett, Mary Sanders Reece, Emily Vanacore, Brinkley Taylor, Ashby Heltibridle, and Kensley Bridges. Coach Whitehead is assisted by Reggie Walker and Michael Terrapin.

Although a coach, Whitehead is also a father, though he’s never shown favoritism.

“If you’re the best, you play the spot. I’ve never given Sadie the credit to be a clutch pitcher and for two years she’s proved me wrong, pulling us through on the mound every year. She earned her spot,” said Whitehead.

Speaking of the rest of his team, he said Kensley Terrapin “year end and year out contributes tirelessly on the mound for us and has pitched these girls to some great victories. Mary Sanders Reece also came in the clutch in the championship game closing us out in the last two innings. Shalayah was also a pitcher going three innings holding (Saluda) to 3 runs. Keke laid down some amazing bunts, Brinkley had some great hits and caught most of the tournament (12 of 14 innings) for us. Shalayah, Genesis, Kinsley Bridges, Harper Still, Emily Vanacore and Ashby Heltibridle also made amazing plate appearances and had some great plays.”

Mckaylee Padgett has been with Whitehead for four years and she “always ran really fast and can catch fly balls. I’ve always placed her in centerfield even when balls weren’t hit there. I’ve preached to her one day you’re going to see why you’re out here. This tournament she has 4-5 catches that were huge run-saving catches out in centerfield. She played out there for me for four years and never once doubted me nor complained. When her time came to shine, she did,” said Whitehead.

This team is special because Whitehead said he’s made each player learn three different positions. “This has helped with pitching changes. I can put any girl in any position and feel confident they can make the play,” he said.

Eleven of the 12 players have traveled to the World Series either the first or second year. Brinkley Taylor is the only newbie.

“It’s been a long, hot weekend, but it’s been well worth the experience with our girl. These athletes and their families are awesome. It’s been a joy to come alongside them, and they’ve welcomed us with open arms,” said Brookey Taylor, Brinkley’s mother.

The Barnwell Ponytails head to Monroe, La. for the World Series on July 28 through August 3.

The Barnwell Ponytails All-Star team includes the top players from the regular recreational season.
The Barnwell Ponytails All-Star team includes the top players from the regular recreational season.

“Athletically, we are just working on the small things. We know the game. We’re good at the game, but I’ve preached to get the small things right and victories will come. Keep your emotions intact, field the ball cleanly before thinking about the throw, know your situation at all times, run bases aggressively, two-hand catches on fly balls, give 110 percent, and play with the mentality that you’re the best player on the field and prove it when your time is called,” said Whitehead.

After coming in second place in 2022 and third place in 2023, Whitehead said they are hoping to bring home the first place Dixie Youth World Series trophy this year.

The team will be doing fundraisers to help defray costs of the trip, which is expensive with travel and lodging.

They plan to hold their annual Boston butt sale, waitress at restaurants, and sell watermelons. “You name it, we will work for it. We thank the community and surrounding areas for everything they have done for us the last two years. This is possibly our last year in the youth leagues, and we want to make it a memorable one,” said Whitehead.