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Barnwell High’s TyZavier Grayson named S.C. Career & Technology Education Student of Year


Barnwell School District 45 is proud to announce that TyZavier Grayson is the South Carolina Career and Technology Education (SC CTE) Work Based Learning Champion and Student of the Year for the South Carolina CTE Lower Savannah Region.

This award recognizes an outstanding work-based learning student who exemplifies excellence while applying academia to real life, real work, and real world situations in the business/industry environment through completion of a meaningful work-based learning experience. According to the State Department of Education, this student defines the Profile of the SC Graduate by demonstration of the characteristics and successful transition into the world of work.

While a student at Barnwell High School (BHS), TyZavier began working as an apprentice at Swiss Krono as a production operator in August of 2021. During that time, he joined Swiss Krono USA to participate in a Roundtable meeting in Washington, D.C. with Mr. Guy Parmelin, President of the Swiss Confederation and Minister of Economic Affairs, Education and Research. The meeting discussed the current state of Apprenticeships in the U.S. and was attended by a council of officials from Switzerland, Swiss companies operating in the U.S., U.S. representatives from the Department of Labor, U.S. Department of Education, and U.S. companies utilizing Apprenticeship programs.

TyZavier recently completed his junior year at BHS, and he plans to continue working at Swiss Krono while also pursuing an associate’s degree.

“I am extremely blessed and grateful for the opportunity to be a Youth Apprentice at Swiss Krono,” said TyZavier.

He also expressed his gratitude for being selected to represent Swiss Krono in Washington, D.C. this year, “Being selected as the first Apprentice to represent BHS and Swiss Krono in Washington, D.C. was an amazing experience that I will never forget.”

When asked about his work-based learning experiences, TyZavier described the work he has done: “My work-based learning experience is preparing me for my future career, and this is an opportunity that every student should take advantage of. This experience has been truly amazing. I have learned so much over the course of the whole process and am truly thankful for this opportunity. I’m extremely thankful for the nomination of the Work Based Learning Student of the Year.”

TyZavier’s Industrial Technology instructor, Stephen Andrews, described him as “very responsible and respectful.” According to Andrews, “I have been teaching Industrial Technology Education for the past 34 years and find TyZavier to be worthy of this prestigious award.”

Everyone agrees that TyZavier has a commitment and work ethic that will allow him to continuously grow and advance, and the way he has excelled in work-based learning opportunities serves as inspiration to other students.

BHS Principal Franklin McCormack had only praises for TyZavier as a student.

“TyZavier is a what I refer to as the new, modern student. He quietly and humbly works hard in the classroom and takes education serious just like students, past and present. However, what sets him apart from his peers is his focus on career readiness. TyZavier has demonstrated that a student can begin his career while still in high school. Additionally, he has discovered that high school students can work in an industrial setting and get paid a competitive compensation for doing so,” said Principal McCormack.

Congratulations, TyZavier!